[The two postmarks on this envelope are Jan 3, 1910 and Jan 31, 1910. Aunt Carrie's letter appears to be written on Jan 2. The letter was written on "Sunday evening" and Jan 3 was a Monday. Her letter refers to this one, which is dated Jan 28, 1910. And yet Aunt Carrie has it on Jan 2, to enclose it with hers in the same envelope? Go figure!]South Hadley,
Jan. 28, 1910.Dear Sister:-
I am afraid this letter will be brief and to the point. Latin exam. is over. I didn't think that it was very bad but as far as I know everyone else did. Dr. Searles announced that the sight work was easy, but we don't agree. It owuld have been terribly hard if once long ago Dr. Searles hadn't read it to us. Well, it is over. History of Math next.
I have studied most of the time for the last
dotwo days. though I have had some vacations. Wednesday night some German gave a lecture on one of Wagner's great compositions with musical illustrations. It was fine. Mr. Hammond said that it was going to be the best thing that the Music Department gives this year that has no price for admission. We never got home until ten minutes of ten. Feb. 8. there is to be a concert by the Springfield Orchestra - 42 men. I do want to go.Last night I went to the Athletic Association meeting at 4:45. Nothing exciting happened. I went to Y.W.C.A in the evening. We had a lovely meeting. I studied until nine & then went over to Ruth MacGregor's to get her picture. She had gone to bed but never mind that. Her roommate was just in the act. Ruth said that she had no studying so went to bed. Her picture is not so very good for it is too sober.
I received your postal this A.M. Thank you very much. I hope it will prove effective. I got a letter from Cousin Emma yesterday. She said that she might go back to Chicopee next Friday. She will let me know later where she will be. She said she was discouraged & the days were very long.
Please excuse any mistakes. Inez is reading aloud so my attention is divided. Please don't call what I did Sat. night a debate for all I did was to read. I only hope the executive committee will consider it a debate. My neuralgia is all gone. I am trying to have a little cough but I have got the prescription filled & it is already better.
After exam. I took one of the Freshmen to walk. We went up by Lyman's and then turned back & cut across lots to the Upper Lake. We went into the green-house and went all through it. I found one orange plant with 15 oranges on it. There was a lemon plant with a lemon on it. There were sweet peas & nasturtiums growing and lilies of the valley in blossom & they did smell so sweet.
Well, I must stop & study for to-morrow's exam. I shall have volumes to write Sunday as we give our tea to the Freshmen this P.M. & Pearl & I go to Smith to-morrow.
With lots of love,