New Salem, Mass
Jan. 12, 1908.Dear Miss Baker:
This has been a dark rainy day here, altho we in the Hall have managed to pass the time very pleasantly really.
I wonder how you and your family are. I trust you have all recovered from the grippe long ago.
Mr. Bacheller's people are all sick with it Charlie and all. Katie was telling me yesterday that if she could get a substitute she would not go back to school Mon. I am sorry for them all. Am afraid she herself will take it, for I believe it really is contagious don't you?
School seems to be going much as usual. Thurs. night some two or three boys fooled with the electric bells on second and third floors and thereby some of them got some demerits. I don't know exactly what punishment was meted out to them but I think Linwood Giffin and Harry Tarairar [?] were the guilty ones. Linwood frankly confessed and Harry I think owned up to his share in the affair after a moral struggle with himself. Please don't mention this in any letters you may write to any of the boys and girls. It will be best.
I am sorry you cannot come back Miss Baker. Hope you may be able to come for a little visit of a day or two if for no longer.
YoI should be delighted to have you as my guest. Don't you think you may find it possible my dear?Oh Miss Baker! I am really trying hard to beak [sic] this quietly and please prepare yourself for this piece of intelligence - Fred Whipple and Dr. Marshalls oldest daughter were married Jan. 6 (I believe) in Boston. Now I hope I haven't caused you serious pain Ahem! but I thought you really ought to know.
Levi Flagg and Maud Bosworth were married New Year's day. Isn't that a very appropriate time to be married?
I rec'd a nice letter from Mrs. Joslyn yesterday[.] She spoke of having recently received a letter from you. She is still in Endfield and sees little prospect of a vacation.
No doubt you were generously remembered at Xmas. Santa was very kind and thoughtful of me for he gave me, or rather Emma (dear girl) gave me just exactly what I most wanted - a nice fountain pen. It is a Waterman and I like it very much. I am using it now. Wish you were here my dear.
We had no C.E. meeting tonight on account of the rain etc.
Seems queer that we don't have more snow. I am satisfied with the present amount however.
Please remember me to all and accept an ocean of love and all best wishes from
Your loving friend
Olive B. [Bliss]Hope to hear from you soon.