A Letter Written on Jun 9, 1907

Templeton, Mass.,
June 9, 1907.

Dear Sister:-

I don't want to write a letter. I am tired & there is to be a Vesper to-night "unless it rains or snows before night or unless there is a sudden death" quoting from Mr. Skerrye. It has rained by spells. I was coming home from church & suddenly without any warning it began to pour & there I was with my best clothes on. I tell you I sprinted.

Cousin Emma came yesterday P.M She was very tired when she got here & isn't rested yet. She seemed rather weak & miserable. Cousin Minnie & Cousin Moses, Gladys & the boys came up this P.M. Gladys grows cuter every day. She was just as happy as she could be all the time they were here. You ought to have heard her read Uncle's library book. Karl & Russell were on their company behavior. Russell brought Cousin E a bunch of lilacs & later he gave me part of what he had got for himself.

Mon. P.M. I got discouraged last night so I stopped. The Vesper was pretty good. Mr. Skerrye gave a dandy talk. I sat upstairs with Ruth, Frank & Eva. Mrs. Curtis sung a solo; Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Maynard Mr. Hawkes & Cousin George sang a quartet. Mrs. Cobleigh sang an awfully long solo in one of the anthems.

They are going to pass the contribution box every Sunday now. Mr. Skerrye has been engaging various men to come & speak to the Union next winter. Of course their car fare will have to be paid & there is nothing to pay it with so this method is going to be tried. It will seem funny at first. Also they have stopped turning around for the last hymn. I think Mr. S- said something about it last week.

There is a L.A.H. meeting this P.M. The "Temperance Helpers" which disbanded so long ago had a little money left & they wanted the L.A.H to have it so here it is $16+. Also the Cottage Hospital Fair is June 28 & they want us for waiters. It is the day B.H.S. closes so those girls can't go & Senior Reception for Bessie, Rena & I. They ought to have chosen a better day.

Mrs. Parker has come & gone back for the summer. I guess I will let leave the rest for Mama to tell when she writes.

The Akers' new windows have come but as it looked like rain they didn't put them in. Last Mon. I went up to the church & helped mend Sunday School books. I think I swallowed a pint of glue. Dorothy & I studied a hymn book & found the following inspiring selections written in it.

"There was a young lady of Lynn,
Who was so remarkably think
That when she essayed
To drink lemonade.
She slipped through the straw & fell in." (Too bad)

"Three is a crowd & there were three -
The maid, the parlor lamp & he. -
Two's a company, & so, no doubt,
That's why the parlor lamp went out."

I tried some penouchi [sic] yesterday & it was fine. I put peanuts in but I don't like them very well in candy so next time I guess I will try something else.

I must stop for it is most time for Auntie to come. Now feel your best & have a fine time at South Hadley.

With love,
Molly X