246 Berkley St
Germantown, PaDear Lucy:
Think I told you I would write. Just a week ago to-day since we took lunch to-gether_ It did not rain much until I was going back to the station in Stamford and then only a little fine rain, but enough to make it rather disagreeable_ Crossing the ferry at Jersey city we had quite a hard thunder shower; I got to Wayne Junction about half past nine; train was fifteen minutes late_ It was pleasant but the wind was blowing like everything.
Fred met me at the station and said his mother was sick_ She did not get up the next day till noon_ Fred got his own breakfast then I got up and got my own and Lizzie's_ She got up in the afternoon and seemed all right the next day.
Sunday it rained so we did not go out all day - at night we walked down to the corner and mailed some letters_ Yesterday we went into the city - I bought me some silk for a waist but dont [sic] know as I shall like it I looked at baby things a little_ but everything costs so much except socks you can get pretty socks for twenty-five cents & up - and veils made out of ice wool or something of the kind twenty-five cents_ I dont believe but you could get some good plated baby pins for twenty five cents each, and those are very convenient_ You know what they are. Mary has one or two_ Seems as though she called them beauty pins_ If you decide you want me to get any thing let me know what_ If you get the pins or a pin or puff box or any such thing you may rather get them your self. I think you could get one gold pin for 50¢
After the train left that day I thought of the apples I had in my bag for you - but you could not have carried them very well could you?
Hope you have had a chance to rest your eyes, they looked as though they needed it_ How did you come out in your exams?
I have not heard from the folks yet_ It seems a long time since I left_ I rather expect now that Fred will go to Boston to work, but I don't just know when_ He has gone to the theatre to-night with a young lady_ It rains but he was dressed in his best clothes and I suppose she will be_ Hope they will not get them wet_ Cousin Lizzie and her love_ Must write Mary to-night_ Shall be glad to hear from you when you get a chance to write_
Lots of love