[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading]Templeton, Mass.,
March 13, 1903.Dear Lucy:-
Mama is so busy she wants me to write and tell you that you had better say to Aunt Augusta to put it in any bank except the People's as you have a bank book there. Wasn't it a lovely thing for Aunt Augusta to do? It will help you lots. You see Thursday Maud Shippee told the companies that all those who did not have blouses were to go into Division B. and Mama is trying to get it done. We had no pattern but I went over and got Helen's blouse and pattern. I just tried Helen's blouse on and I look like a meal bag in it. I am going to rumage [sic] your ribbon box and see if I can find anything I like better than what I have. I got a new waist to-day (or rather cloth for it) all my own self. I will send samples of that and the blouse.
Here is something that ought to got into the next Chronicle. Gregory was bound to pronounce rēxeram, rexéram putting the accent wrong. Mr. Osbourne told him to put an accent mark on that syllable and then asked him why he did it just because he told him to? Gregory said yes and then said he thought it ought to come on the first syllable because the short e wasn't long.
I expect to invite Charlie Rich to the party. The G.H.S. are going to have a prize speaking contest. Two are chosen out of each class. The class that gets the highest has a picture. Then there are two medals. We chose Clarence Fowler and Carrie Wright but Fowler withdrew and Miss Clark said no other boy who could do it would and she proposed Mildred Thasher so we have her. The Junior class have Maud and Bates. They ought to get with those two.
Walter Akers has the measles down at Rob Cobleigh's and is quite sick. He is
quite sickout of his head and wandering around.Linnie took a picture of Helen, Bessie, and I but spoiled the film.
It is roasting hot to-day. I must close and get this up to the office before the car comes.
With love.