A Letter Written on Nov 13, 1903

Templeton. Mass
Nov 13, 1903

Dear Lucy:-

Your letter arrived in its usual time so, I suppose it is time for me to answer it.

Delphine is prospering. Most of the time attending to the business of cutting her teeth.

The newest acquisition to the family is a baby pigeon[.] His parents had disowned him so papa put him in a little box in the house. His swallowing capacity is tremendrous [sic]. The pieces of bread and corn that he eats seem to be so much larger than his throat. He has begun to pick up a little food so I guess his stay with us will be limited.

I haven't heard from Nellie but expect to as she is quite a good correspondent.

The electric cars have had two smash-ups one two or three weeks ago in which some people were injured. The one that occured [sic] this week smashed the car up terribly. The motorman was Shep Bourn. Two cars were comeing [sic] down Parker St. Hill. The front car stop[ped] in front of Dr. Grise's [?] to take on passengers. The back car failed to stop and crashed into the rear end of the car The people jumped and every one escaped but one who had his foot crushed. Both cars were crowded. They say Shep lost his head, but he says the brakes failed to work. It will cost about $1200. dollars to repair the four cars.

Mr. Redmond has also got through at the powerhouse. They cut him twenty-five cents a day. So he has secured work in the Woolen Mills in Barre. They are not going to move as they had just moved into the house above Mr. Prescott Frenchs'[.]

We have been haveing [sic] just beautiful weather. Last Sunday I found a bluet, and yesterday papa brought in a dandelion in full bloom.

Yes, I think Mrs. Wright rather over does things in almost everything.

Mr. Brown (who married Eva Fanion) is going to Omaha in the intrests [sic] of the Socialist Party. Eva is not going out until after Christmas. So Mrs. Brown will have a chance to see a little of our big world. I am very glad that she will have the opportunity to travel a little, as it broadens ones ideas so much[.]

There really is not very much to write about this week. We seem to be haveing [sic] a dearth of news since the Kambour-Hawkes-Provost excitement.

Well, goodebye [sic]
With love