A Letter Written on Dec 13, 1903

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading]

Templeton, Dec. 13, 1903.

Dear Lucy,

I don't feel much like trying to write a very nice letter out of nothing but no doubt I can. It was a very stormy morning - rained and blew and the ice dropped from the house roof onto the ell and made such a noise that I began to be frightened and got up half an hour earlier than usual. Carrie got up before I waked and prowled around to see what the noise was but could not make out. I felt a little afraid some of the bricks were blowing off the kitchen chimney - you know it is a little weak - finally the wind got round so it blew down chimney to make things pleasanter. None of the family went to church and Mary did not go to S.S. and rehearsal. She is not feeling at all well. Thursday night she was sick in the night and she did not go to school Fri. morning till 9-30, reaching school at ten: she has seemed better to-day but seems tired out to-night. I hope she will improve or she will have to take a rest - her vacation begins Fri. afternoon and lasts till Dec. 29. I think it would be more of a real rest to have the week after Christmas instead of before it, but I suppose the authorities there think otherwise.

We had Mrs. Ward here yesterday forenoon to work on a dress for Mary - a blue thibet that I have had in the house for a long time. Mrs. W- is coming again Wed. the 23rd for the whole day. Have you had your skirt altered or are you going to have Mrs. W- do it? I wanted her to come this week but she could not give me more than half a day and did not want to do that, so we decided on next week. She wanted to go home yesterday at 12-30 to take her mother to Gardner to the theater and do some shopping and the car was late so she finally ate dinner here, then put on her things to wait for a car and waited till nearly three before one came - she did not dare take of her things and go to sewing for fear it would come and she would miss it, so it spoiled her whole afternoon: they had some freight on the road that hindered.

Chessie Whitney came in here selling extracts one day but I did not think who she was till Mrs. Ward told me she was doing that. I ordered some vanilla so it is all right. I have not done any thing about Christmas presents and don't know what to get for any one. I think Uncle Isaac has a muffler that he never wears. You might get some suspendors [sic]. His have broken down but I presume he will get some before that time. Get good ones if you get any - not fancy but lasting. I shall go to G- before Christmas and Carrie talks of going to Fitchburg. I think she or I can find something for Arthur - you will not have much time if you sit for your pictures. I am afraid your brown dress, or your white albatross will not look so nice in a photo. I would not wear those collars any way. I would try the silk waist, but would not wonder if it should take black and white. Why don't you try the the [sic] green waist and lace yoke and sleeves if you don't want low neck. It is not much over a week now before you will be home and I am going to be full of business if I get Mary's dress done, and I must for she has nothing to wear.

You ought to see the cake I made last night. I put it in the oven and went off and got to talking with Mary & Carrie and when I looked at it, it was about as black as my shoe - I took it out of the oven and it seemed hard, (but it was only the burned crust) and then it fell, so we have a beautiful cake - but they will have to eat it or go without till after Monday. I shall try to call on your Grandmother next Thursday and want to carry her some little thing if I can think of any thing.

Miss Lucy Dole visited Annie last week - Charlie is coughing badly but he told me it was not whooping cough - I think it may be though. Mary heard yesterday that Mr. Kambour has got to go, but I don't know how true it is: he certainly will have to go soon I think but whether it will be at once, I am not sure. We saw a card Bessie wrote Mrs. Batchelder and she said her mother was out of danger - the nurse had gone and she hoped her mother would sit up a little the next day which would be last Monday. I did not think we should have such good news as that when I first heard she was sick. I don't know much about my neighbors but think they are all right.

Carrie and I went over to the Doctor's to swear, the other night. Uncle Isaac seems better - he has gone to work on the wood-pile so will probably make himself sick. I will try to remember to send some papers to you so you can get the news for I don't seem to know any. You had better send us a list of things you would like for Christmas, so we can be sure to get something else. I think I better finish this thing - we can tell you what I have left out in about a week. I am sorry if Geology is going to be hard - I wanted it to be a little easier than you have had.

Much love,

Carrie sends love.