A Letter Written on Aug 31, 1904

Ginn & Company, Publishers
School and College Text-Books
Boston. New York. Chicago. London.

29 Beacon Street,
Boston, 8/31

My dear Lucy -

Your letter has just come in, and in reply will say that we cannot get keys to outside publications - publishers are very particular about keys getting into the hands of any one but teachers, and usually require them to fill out a blank, but you can get them directly from the pubs as cheap as they allow no discount on keys - neither can I get those books any cheaper here - our key for Eysenbach is for the larger book (German Lessons) but covers the shorter also - and costs 50 cts. If you would like this I will send it to you -

Will send this to-night to New Salem, so you will get it to-morrow, and if you mail me a postal to-morrow night (Friday) I will send the book out Sat. A.M. and you will get it by Monday.

Mail is closing -

Yours in haste
H. A Coolidge