A Letter Written on Sep 24, 1905

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading]

Templeton, Mass.
Sept. 24, 1905.

Dear Lucy:-

It's little enough letter you'll be after getting to-night for I want to finish "Doctor Zay." I am reading that book to write on and all I have read yet just leads up to the love story at the end. As I told the folks to-night, I am not interested in love stories except when I am in them. Miss Clark said that the author, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps was standard but it doesn't strike me that the book is.

Linnie & her mother go to-morrow. Bessie & I are expected to go to the station to see them off. Linnie came up yesterday when I was doing Latin & translated it all for me. Wasn't I in luck? Fannie Sargent goes Tuesday morning so I said goodbye to her to-day. I saw the long & the short of it yesterday so I know they are both here. The Tobens have gone it seems rather lonesome not to see them going up & down the street. I guess Clara Aiken is going to take your class of girls for she took it again to-day. Mrs. Greenwood had a big class in Sunday School - three of us. We thought we were going to be without a teacher for she didn't come till time for Sunday School.

Arthur is home for Sunday & looks as if he was glad to be here. His mother said that he liked it very much, or rather he said it was O.K. and thought that there was enough to do to keep them busy so they wouldn't be homesick. He said that they were having a snap in French. He & the Gardner boys have taken it two years I think & down there they have to write such things as "The dog, the man". with a few harder one[s]. His mother was telling us that she asked him to write just a line before he came home. He wanted to know what he should write since he was only going to be there such a short time. "Oh," she said, "say Boo." So the postal came & the beginning was "Dear mother, Boo." I think there was some more to it.

I had a busy day yesterday. I made a cake & did dishes (as Mama has cut her finger and I don't like her to have it [in] water when it [i]sn't necessary) and did some studying. About two the fruit man came & we got a basket of peaches for $.75. They were good ones. So she & I put up nine cans. For once I had all the peaches I wanted to eat & didn't know as I should be able to do any thing to-day after eating the amont [sic] that I did. I finished my essay to-day that I have got to speak Oct. 11. Kitty is well & happy I guess.

With love, X X X X X X
X X X X X X Molly X X X X