The Colby Academy,
New London, N. H.
March 25, 1907.Dear Lucy:-
I was so glad to get a word from you even if it was partly business, and I will answer it while I have a speck of time this evening.
I like my work very very much except in spasms when I get discontented and lazy. I teach French and German and one class in English History. I fear I am not a very wonderful German teacher; I wish I had taken Teacher's German because I think perhaps I would have learned something about phonetics, as it is I blunder through trying to inspire such a love for the language that difficulties of pronunciation etc. will be nothing but a side issue, a dream as it were! Brilliant scheme, isn't it?
I am enclosing my check for the Settlement work and am very glad to be able to give even a little. [the check is no longer with the letter]
I am very impatiently waiting for reunion. I think it will be more fun than getting married, tho' I may not be a good one to judge having tried neither.
Auf Wiedersehen,
Most sincerely,
Addie E. Towne.