A Letter Written on Apr 14, 1907

[The letter is dated the 15th, but it is postmarked the 14th.]

Templeton, Mass.,
April 15, 1907.

Dear Sister:-

I shall not write you much of a letter (as you may possibly find out) for I won't have time this A.M. I wrote to Roger & Cousin Emma instead of you. Well I went & looked on at Pound Party. It was great fun seeing who came with whom etc. Bessie was there. Shortie came up for the occasion & brought his roommate. I don't know where they stayed for his brother has scarlet fever. Arnold Bent & Henry Curtis just changed girls for the occasion. It seems too funny for anything. I saw Zoe to speak to & Edith was there. Helen Saunders (I don't know her name now) sat up in the gallery for a while. Bates & Bertha McGee sat upstairs but did not go down to danse. [sic] Miss Smith the drawing teacher had on a lovely dress of white mull with flowers painted on it which she did herself. Miss Fairbanks' dress was lower than we really liked. Blue seemed to be the favorite color.

Henry Smith's youngest boy died Saturday with scarlet fever. He was out doors Friday so they said and was not sick much until Sat. morning & was dead at half past one. It seems very strange. Leonard is sick with tonsilitis [sic] so the paper said but I wouldn't be surprised if it was something else.

I went up to the Burnham's Sat. & got my Smith banner. It is O.K. I had to put it up yesterday. Marion is going to try to get up a May festival & I am going to help her. We are having a terrible time trying to get five girls of the right size. We are going to have real little ones. Margaret Stone, Inez & Madeline. They are going to be pretty small to dance around the may pole. Mr. Skerrye is going to speak to-morrow night at the Union so Auntie & I will probably go.

My eyelet embroidery waist has come & I think it is going to be awful pretty. I have my pink flower on my sofa pillow all done before but a few French knots & I have started my green flower.

Unless a change takes place I have got to go down to Gardner this A.M. in the "rattlety-bang". Horrible dictu!

Mama & Auntie have got those things of Aunt Charlotte's ready to send so you can imagine me carrying express bundles every day this week.

I must stop & do dishes. I shall see you two days after to-morrow!

With love,