A Letter written on Aug 20, 1940

Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Massachusetts
Aug. 20, 1940

Office of the President

Dear Miss Ball:

Yesterday I received a telegram from Yale with information that Prokosch is in Spain, soemwhat out of commenting distance. We shall have to proceed with one of the other candidates. In the budget we have $2000, as I recall, allocated to M. Cramer's salary; that could be divided in any proportion for the stubstitutes. Eight hundred to a thousand is the average for a full professor giving one course through the year. The exact amount would rest with your success in the negotiations. To me Patch would seem the best person in sight, mainly because of distance. In any event the way is cleared.

With best regards,
Roswell G. Ham

I hope that I don't think at angles! [The last page is written at an unintended slant]