A Letter written on Oct 19, 1918

Tetherwold, Saturday

Margaret Darling

How rich I was yesterday in my pile of beautiful letters! I tell you I do appreciate the loving thoughts of my dear folks. We were all so glad to hear from Margaret and to know of her holiday, and glad the days at home for you.

Mother & I are very rich in our new oven. We like it far better than we expected, and we see stretching before us years of comfort in it. Come home and share it.

I wish you were here today to have part in this adventure in which we are engaged. The idea came to Mother when we went into Miss [?] Robb's the other morning to look at hats. She has those two dear little boys who are out of school and spoiling for something to do. So Mother asked them to come and spend the day with us. Father & Mother have just been down after them, and they have arrived while I write. They are 8 & 10 years. They pounced at once upon a pile of your books of long ago, and will be busied with them until the front goes or bit chained. [?]

There's another adventure to tell you of; which I trust will not trouble you.

I had it in mind last week, as the calls for help grew more urgent; that it was unbearable for me, with all my resources, not to help somebody. And Tuesday on our grand ride, I felt as if twas just the preparation for a night out. Thus came a call from Tues. Morn. Club for nurse helpers, and I said I would go. I consulted the Board of Health, and was assured that with the prescribed precautions there is entire absence of danger to the people at home.

I have been out the night Tuesday, and day Friday, and am glad that I could and expect no bad results: I've worn the marks & washed my hands and failed my dishes &c. You see I have taken it easy with plenty time to rest.

Well I must mail this. Father has built a furnace fire. What a frost it was, with mercury about 20°.

Love always