A Letter written on Nov 1, 1918

Tetherwold Friday morn

My Dear -

This quarantine is getting very burdensome - & when it will end who can tell. It seems months since we saw you I hope the cooler weather will be good for the trouble, but poor Auntie's fingers & toes are all numb & stiff. & she wanted to get them into the dishwater this morning. She was not as well as she thought she was. & has been living on hot milk largely for this week. & keeping very quiet. She is better now. & looks better. & we are thinking if the weather is right we may go to Shrewsbury Tuesday. after Father has voted. I think he is feeling rather better too. though his voice is not right. He has not been ill but just lame & hoarse & in sympathy with all who are so.

Your clock was fixed & ran a few days. but is stopping again & he is going to take it down to Mr Emerson this morning.

Auntie has asked coz Lillie & Miss Miller to come out tomorrow for Sunday. There is to be a missionary talk in 1st church Sunday eve. which she wants to hear. I suppose we shall have church, but perhaps not S.S. we do not know yet.

There was a letter from Walter on Wed - of Oct 10. which as Auntie was writing to Vergie she sent two. We have not had the P.J. [Pittsfield Journal newspaper] this week. the office copy goes to Allan now.

We saw notice of your writing of English Dept. for discussing war topics. It must have been quite interesting & we wondered if it made you much care in preparation.

We have not had a fire in the house since last Saturday till today. & we have the ironing to do. Auntie had a bunch of new little snap shots of baby & her sable [?] maid which are very nice.

We think of you & talk of you & love you - I hope you are well and happy[.]
