Dearest Margaret:I hope you have come happily back from New York. To have a baby and a returned hero all at once was a wealth of good fotune. I stayed on Saturday night with Ethel and Dorothy at the Smiths' and the household there was all agog over Corinna's imminence. Two youngsters had gone on to meet her, and Lois was evidently in her own little world of anticipation. Even the dogs seemed affected there are three of them and they are only less exacting than the alligators of old.
I hopelessly disgraced myself with Dorothy by the failure of my superlatives for her baby. But I shall always be able to teach Cordelia more effectively because of the sympathy of understanding that tongue-tiedness created! By some gracious mercy the young 'un himself smiled upon me having a decent sense of reticence himself, and Dorothy ultimately forgave me, but not wholly!
I came back to spinsterdom with profound thanksgiving.
Sunday evening I
dinedsupped with the Dean,however, very pleasant, but then, alack, I ran afoul of elderly conservatism and the raptures of the young mother took on a new glow. When, I wonder, does one arrive one's self at the deleted state?Life goes in terms of the plaintive grasshopper. "Lord, why didn't thou make me to hop so fast?" There is no end to the job and if I have not written bitterly [?] of the wistful longings I have had, they are always with me for you, but alas, so is the new course, a famished wolf on my heels.
One good bit of cheer has come Alan has definitely secured an apartment for Father and Mother in the same building in which he lives. It is a charming little six room affair on the first floor and not incredibly expensive. They will probably go west about the middle or end of March and I am cogitating whether by any chance I should go with them. At most I could only have a week, yet in that, of course, I could do much to settle them and spare Mother. But perhaps it would not be very wise. I rather fancy I shall just have to wait and see how I feel when the time comes.
I am sorry you don't like the pictures better. I do like the reading one as well I suppose as I'd ever like any picture. It seems to look the way I sometimes feel and the book is nice anyway. However I could not bear it if you were quite satisfied and did not want one.
Our vacation is March 28-April 8th. If I don't go to Chicago what about N.Y. - or will you come here? Bless you -
Love -
LauraWe had Dr. Olgin here the other night. Soul of the Russian Revolution. All fire and dreams.