Thursday morningDear Margaret -
Isint [sic] this a darling little bunch. We have looked at them & smiled back at her & loved her a good deal of the time since Tuesday when they came, but now we can lend them to you for a while.
She looks now like a real person who could talk with you, & who has some thoughts of her own - dont you think so. I hope she will cheer & rest you -
We had another letter from Walter Monday, which we sent to Allan.
We have had no P.J's [Pittsfield Journal, local newspaper] for three weeks, & I do not believe they are going to send any more. Mercury 10° this morn with a very heavy frost. We expect to go to the dans social this P.M. I take Mrs Hamilton along.
We had a call yesterday from Mr & Mrs Stanton & Miss Rice - who was at Mrs Knowles. She & her daughter Elizabeth go soon to Washington, where E. hopes to find employment.
We were glad of your card yesterday, & hope things are going easily - There is always a background of love & thought & interest for you at home -