A Letter written around Sep 21, 1918

Fox Meadow

Hartsdale, N.Y.

My dear Miss Ball

Thank you very warmly for your letter and the Alumane Quarterly! It is a long while ago - as I look back - and I am glad it is past. I have been ill, not seriously, but just enough not to live as I should. It seem[s] strag strange that I should have come to this, but alas, so it is. -

It was very nice to hear from you again, but sad that you seemed to have had a hard time of it, with your health I mean. The little niece is a comfort to you. How strange it is that a little thing like that is always putting things forward and is encour[ag]ing us to go onward. You certainly deserved having a nice, lovely little niece!

I am sorry that writing does not go these days, and it [is] a trouble, for I could take up my pew and rattle things off at a go. And now I have to sit and ponder about it, but it [is] better and getting better all the time. It simple [sic] seemed to have mind and body seperated [sic], or what I shall call it. But it is getting on and getting together again

Well, I will finish now while it gets on, or rather before it gets too tired.

With a great deal of love, I am

Your sincerely
Mathilda K. Wallin