Home - Wednesday mornDear Margaret -
How beautiful it is to have the sunshine. and we all have so many things in our heads to be done at once that we are likely to be disappointed in our success in doing. Auntie & I went our various ways yesterday. she to Springfield for her hat & to lunch with Lillie. & stop at the big club meeting here on her return. so she telephoned to [...] about five. She took her gray dress skirt to a dressmaker in the morning to be done. I went up to see Mr. Luce. & am much relieved to have it done. He is still as busy as time allows. but was nice & pleasant. recognized the faults. took up both shoulders. & said he liked the neck much better for the change. When I spoke of the bill. he said "you were just right - I made out the bill in haste & confusion. without looking at my record. & when I read your note I remembered. & know you were right."
There was too much to do to get it done for me to take back, but he said he would sind [sic] it Thurs. morning. He said very emphatically he was ashamed of his delay in sending before, but he could not help it. so I rather expected it this week. I waited to try it on after it was basted. & took trolley at quarter of one. & enjoyed the ride home between the mountains & through the valleys beside the river. very much. it was such a lovely day. Telephoned the Parker house. & Father & Ada met me soon after three. Trolley ride two cents less than R.R. with a half hour in Holyoke to look at pretty dresses in the windows. Father says he is going to see Mr Meecham today. & he has the planting on his mind. Just now he is taking off double windows.
It was so good to see you for a day. & to feel your interest & care. & love. I hope the weight of our dependence on you will not be too great a burden. but will bring you new strength for the need.
I had a nice Mothers day letter from Walter Monday - I forgot that you saw it - & there was a note from Allan to Auntie yesterday.
Love always