Sunday P M.My dear Margaret -
Just up from my little afternoon nap I am wondering if you are indulging in one. I hope the day is as fine in Westfield as here.
I went to church this morning. As Mr. Thayer had invited "the grangers" to come in a body to listen to him the front pews were well filled - It seemed quite natural that a procession should march in and be escorted to their seats in front[.] It was a good address for the occasion -
Roy and I found when we reached Springfield that our train was an hour late. so we went to a hotel, a relatively new one I was told: and had an excellent twelve o'clock luncheon. It was perfectly served all for seventy five cents each. Because of the various delays we did not reach home until four o'clock when we found Rose looking well and evidently glad to see us - she soon prepared a simple but delicious meal so that Roy could take the five o'clock car for Worcester in season for him to take the train for Boston. My home never looked so good to him as since he has none of his own. The frosts have not been as severe home as with you.
I would like to put on the dining table at Faculty House the beautiful bouquet of fresh nasturtiums which is on mine. The garden border is still quite gay with calendula and zinias [sic] red genariums [sic] and California poppies and even a few hollyhocks and one scarlet oriental poppy to say nothing of the cosmos.
From my window by the desk the cloud views are wonderful. But I must tell you that my visits at Westfield and South Hadley have done much for me. I hope you know I appreciate your love and care for me. Until I reached home and my trunk arrived which it did almost as soon as its owner I entirely forgot to pay for its transportation from South Hadley to Holyoke. As you cannot look sternly at me or make any strong assertion I think I will entrust that to you until I see you. I thank you with all my heart for the pleasure you have given me.
Rose is pleased with her bead bag and the iron cross. The bag does not begin to compare with mine for beauty. I miss you and would like to hug and kiss you tonight but I am glad you are in the "bosom of your family" glad they are so near you can so frequently go to them -
With love
Aunt Sarah.