A Letter written on Oct 28, 1919

High Wykeham
Washington, Conn.

Oct. 28th.

Dear Margaret, -

Miss Davies entertained me over night. She's English; but built her school here "because American girls. are not nearly as well educated as the English girls. I knew I could help American girls. English girls are well cared for." We talked late, but I found nothing of America - public schools, college exams, dress, class distinctions, - that equaled the ways of England. I was served breakfast in my room and waited off by a maid. I prefer the American way of breakfast with someone and the goodbye hand clasp of a hostess.

I spoke Monday p.m. to about 30 women of New Preston. I forgot lots of my points. In the evening at Washington, I was scared for nine of the audience I had met as teachers, and almost all seemed of the sort that did not need the A.B.C of Political Parties. I was ashamed to fizzle out before them so I did the very best I could and kept track of my notes. I left out only one illustration. People were good enough to thank me for coming. The experience helped me. I shall look over my matter and try another tack.

I supped at the Gunnery and just enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Brinsmade and their family.

I'm off for home soon. The history arrived safely. The entire family rejoice over it. We've read aloud one chapter. Fosdick took it to school to show proudly to his teacher. Probably the children will wait for me before they write you.

I'm sickened by the senate's delay over the treaty and Armenia's sad plight. I'd like to lead a mob to Washington. Let's!

Oh! I've gently led the North Women's Society, through a new president, to map out a program and have a few meetings besides those of farces and gossip. Between the two churches, I have quite a few meetings on my hands.

Why does a woman's college have a man for president? I believe in men teachers; but I think that I believe in a woman president. A woman knows something about women that no man does, and there are women big enough for the job.

With love,