616 Madison Avenue My dear Miss Ball
What a joy and relief it was, to get the letter telling me that it was the appendix and not the gall badder! I am so glad that the operation went on successfully and that you will soon be all right again and out and all right and better than before. I am very happy for you.
Who was it that wrote to me? Your sister-in-law?
I felt very anxious after the telephone message, and I could not hear so distinctly either, but it was Dr. Underhill that telephoned to me, was it not?
You are doing all well now, I am sure, and will do so right along. Be good and you will have your reward and you will not feel anything further.
I am going to send this just as it is, and I will send you another letter soon again, when I can write better than I can this afternoon.
With lots of love and hope for a speedy and a thorough recovery, I am
Yours affectionately
Mathilda K. WallinNov. 11th 1919