Sunday eveningDear Margaret
I have been feeling for several days that we know little of what is filling your days. We thought yesterday of the celebration of the birthday, but have read writing of what fun it was to take at the College. Today we read Miss Snells talk at Holyoke Alumnae meeting a good one - wasn't it? I was proud of her. I had an invitation to that or the one in Springfield, but my cold has made it seem wiser not to attempt going any where on any possible trolley, and yet Mrs. Plumb went to Springfield Friday, on time each way. We saw in the paper yesterday the statement that the Worcester Trolley Co has given up the fight with the weather. & will not try to keep their country lines open till there comes a change. which means no Shrewsbury for us - at present. We had decided we would go on Wednesday. if there was no more hard storm but Father sent Sarah a letter with the clipping. this morning. telling her we should have to wait. We are sorry, as Lillie has asked Auntie there for some special writings Wed. & Friday. & she would like to stay on for a week with Laura. But she wants to do that while we are in Shrewsbury. & Sarah wants us there very much. Father went to the Garage yesterday to inquire about the car. & was shown it - stared in alarm with numbers of others. all in order. except the painting which Auntie wants to have done It has a new top of cloth, such as all the new ones this year have. & looks well.
Father is getting impatient to get at the barn, & wants to go up very often to look at it. & make plans. but it is going to be a hard job for him. He expects Mr Brown to help. & that is a comfort. Auntie has gone out this eve. to the Baptist church. but Father & I like to stay at home.
We took supper Friday night at L. B. Allyns. & had a pleasant time. It is a sweet happy family.
Ethel Allen telephoned this P.M. to Auntie. that she is up & fully dressed for the first time, but that she shall not try to go out for a week longer. She has been the sickest of the family but all have been in bed for some days. She is with Auntie in the sewing class Mondays & Sec. of the club Tuesday, so her places in both must be filled.
My cold is a good deal better. so I hope to stop coughing nights. Auntie is better too. She has been making herself a skirt of that old black broad cloth one of mine, which had to be reduced too much for me.
We saw notice in paper of your debating club meeting last eve. Did you make them a speech or what.
Are you keeping well. & is the college in good order as to health?
Much love to you dearie -