A Letter Written on Nov 9, 1937

[Pencil additions by Marmee correcting grammar (added "ed" on "expect" in third paragraph) and offering advice]

Nov. 9 '37

Mother dear -

This is chapel with Dr. Ham rambling on about Community Chest - to which I don't plan to contribute after your frown on the subject when we discussed my past years' budgets. Then I feel, too - it is silly to send much money out of this country when there are so many miserable people here ∴ as in the cotton belt. Guess I am rationalizing, but while I ask from the college, the college needn't ask the same thing from me.

Saturday was loads of fun and I hope you've recovered from the onslaught of the five. We all enjoyed it muchly, and thank you for being such a brick. Hope Carol has recovered from her feminine weakness. By the time we got back here I was quite uncomfortable with the cold, but Archie felt worse than I did, because he protected Barbara a bit. However - hot and cold shower helped a bit and the hay ride was oodles of fun. Oh yes - there was a moon, too, mother - just because you said we should have one. The wagon wasn't big enough, so part of the time I was scrunched down in the middle - on my back - knees on chest, Minette on knees. We shifted every now and then - and sang and sang. Archie has a swell voice - especially in a group.

Sunday (how do you like this diary effect?) - Arthur came to church and took the angel out to dinner, and then stayed all afternoon. We walked and talked and talked. That evening I expected a blind date, who turned out to be dear John Keep about whose unentertaining self I have griped quite a bit. Minette and Frank, B. & John were very tired - but had some fun.

What shall I do about B Hicks' wedding reception? I have to reply. Arthur wants to see me Friday night of vacation, and that leaves only Saturday evening in which to see Ross - which I do hope for! So - since the reception is formal - shall I say no? Heck - what should I do? [pencil edit in the margin: "accept"]

Another problem - Glee Club is to sing in Worcester December 10th which is the night of the Military ball at Mass State to which Arthur has asked me. What's to do? [pencil edit: "accept" near the Worcester gig, and "Refuse" next to the Mass State gig]

Must dash to class -
