A Letter Written on Nov 17, 1937

[Pencil inscription adds "Nov" to the date. An ink inscription added by mother: "ansd. Sent new ck for lost one - no copy 11-18-37. GB"]

Wednesday 17th

Mother dearest -

You do manage to misunderstand things so beautifully! In the first place I am seeing Arthur Friday night after Thanksgiving, which means that Saturday, the night of the reception is the only time I could see Ross except on Thanksgiving itself. But I'll accept the invitation. It is formal - so what'll I wear for a wrap? I'll bring home a formal dress. Now - what if Ross has gotten Helen a date for Saturday night? Oh darn it!

And I shall not decline Arthur's invite to the biggest dance of the year, because I am to be singing three other times within that same week. Even Miss Douglass says that's a strain on us. Don't worry about my spending too much time in his company. I like him a lot but refuse to fall as he has. I go out with other people but he won't - so.

Show is coming right along - and I wish you all could see it, but that's impossible.

That last check you gave me I took out to cash and the blessed thing disappeared - it's probably right here in the room, but maybe you'd better cancel it until I find it anyway.

Those pictures of dancing that Miss Heghinian had us pose for so intensively one whole evening came out with some good results. My favorite - posed in the long white things we wore in centennial - isn't modest enough for the head of the gym department, but if possible I shall get a copy of it. You'd love it - I'm sure.

Do you like this stationery? It was a sale - but I thought I'd spoil you just once. Love to you all - I wish I could come home this weekend - but a week from today I'll be there with Helen -
