1619 East 60th
Vancouver BCDear Marion,
It seems at long last. I have some spare moments. to answer your most welcome letter. I cannot express my delight. on hearing from you once again.
Well. we are fine. and we sincerley [sic] trust you and your family are the same.
Since we arrived in Canada. one year ago the weather has been just wonderful. the winter was nice and the summer has been just glorious.
You ask if we like Canada. we do very much of course some things are not England. but. we have had to adapt ourselves to the canadian [sic] way of life. which is so different in many ways. some better and some not for the best, that is an opionion of one English person .. which no doubt. some people would disagree.
One of the items which I think does not come up to the standard
ofis education. to me. 7 six year old is too late for school, 4 1/2 yrs to 5. is the age which an Eglish [sic] child commences school and the hours are longer. 9 until 4. and I don't think there is enough disipline [sic] in school, but generally things on the whole are better than home. basicly [sic] wages go around fa[r]ther. here. and the taxes are not as high. income tax to here isnt [sic] as high as it is at home, but then I have realized that England has money in the commonwealth. but of course we love England I would never. desert it. It has tradition and history. which Canada is just now making. as it is such a young country.Yes I miss my folks. but I firmly believe that I will be in a position to go home for a holiday. soon. for the sake of my twins too.
We flew out Marion we had a flight booked from Amsterdam by Sabena airlines calling at New York and over to Seattle and then up the coast to Vanc. I was going to send over a cable as we had planned a stopover at New York but the flight was cancelled so our route was changed. We flew from London. but we stayed in London a short while and we took the boys around London and. showed them points of interest both my husband and I thought it would be a good opportunity and an education to do this as they are eight this year. old enough to remember.
London airport to us was very interesting it is a marvellous [sic] airport it is fun to sit in the airport lounge and watch the in coming and outgoing craft of all creeds and nationalities, the people look interesting too. When we left London it was literaly [sic] pouring with rain, we took off. for Iceland. we landed at Katleviche Iceland. [perhaps Keflavik?] a few hours later, the thought that struck me as we stepped of[f] the plan[e] was that the air was so fresh and clean. of course it was cool even though it was August, we took off later but had to return for engine trouble. this meant a stay of two days. in I[c]eland. what we saw of Kalleviche proved that Iceland must be both beautiful and interesting, our next stop was Goose Bay in Labrodor. [sic] then over to Winnepeg [sic]. and then Vancouver.
Well since then we have seen lots of Vanc. it is just beautiful. it has a different beauty than England. it is beauty in a larger scale. the mountains and the lakes and parks and. [sic] wonderful.
Since coming to Canada my husband has joined the Canadian Army for 3 yrs. he has been in 6 monhts now and likes it. he is based here in Vancouver so we got a suite and are very comfortable he has always thought about an army career as he was in the British Army 4 yrs. so he has taken the plunge here. he is doing quite well. he just failed with one point for top position in his platoon which put him a recommendation in. so as we are here for 3 yrs maybe we can get over to New York. or if I get home with the boys next year I would come that route. I think I would go by boat this time.
Your work sounds most interesting. it must be a wonderful achievment [sic]. to save a life help the suffering. it is a never ending task. you have worked hard I know to reach where you are. my brother too has worked so hard. and after he received his Bachelor's Degree he thought he would be in a position to relax. but this day and age needs. you to go on. as it is in his field the missile. he has to keep up his studies. with the trend of engeneering [sic] as he teaches in University evenings. and it is as he says. the next generation in his class relies on his knowledge to progress. By the way. I gave my cousin your address he is just entering the field of atomix [sic] research in a Laboratory. in England and if you have any spare time. I am sure you would find him very interesting.
There is so much I could write about. but I find my time is running out so I hope to hear from you very soon please give our sincirest [sic] respects to your Mum e Dad. and.
Love from all here.
Yours as always.
Sylvia . Jimmy
Micheal e Graham.