A Letter Written on Aug 19, 1943

August 19, 1943.

Dear Marion:

First of all - you are probably wondering how I got the censored envelope and who Mrs. Gilbert is. She's one of the boarders here at the Inn - and the other day as I was in the office I saw the mail laying on the desk - among the letters this one from London with the censor's seal. I thought of you right away! I spoke to my aunt and asked her to see if Mrs. Gilbert would give it to me. So - here it is! [no longer with the letter]

My only reaction to your statement that you got into South Mandelle was that I thought you had gone there to see Dot - and that's probably as close as you and I would get to being in that place - visiting there occasionally. But why did you say it was the most important thing that happened to you that weekend? - you sound as tho' you had gotten in there to live this next year. Now that really would be getting into Mandelle! And it wouldn't have given me a heart attack if you'd discussed it, since I've become more and more reconciled to the idea of living in Mountain View, as the time draws near for that fatal letter from the Dean of Residence to arrive. Oh woe!

Sorry that you're not coming down to New York for I would like to see you - but you'll have fun in Boston I know! I really haven't made any plans for getting up to M.H. yet - I'm going to try to make it as early as possible - since I want to get to work on those rooms, especially if we are stuck in "Mountain View" You don't suppose we could work something out, like going up on September 8th, staying overnight at the Bookshop and then being right there to get to work on the 9th? Of course, we don't know yet if we're stuck in that place - and there is still time to lay plays accordingly! You let me know how you feel - you see, I feel, that if we are to live in "M.V" [sic] we could get our rooms all fixed up right away, and have that first weekend free to have a real good time! Of course, I do have those two Saturday morning classes to think about. Ouch!!

To get on to my life as a waitress - if that's what you want to call it! I'm really maid-of-all-work if there ever was one - I do any job that needs doing! I came up here Monday - got here about noon - Johnny was with me, since Aunt Doris invited him up also. He's no bother, he plays all the time with Had Owen - who is also a member of the family. His mother is a sister to my Uncle Rulon, whom my Aunt Doris, my mother's sister, married. Understand? You see, my aunt's mother-in-law is Had's grandmother. Catch? Anyway, here's what I do during a day at Logan Inn. If I'm up in time I help Aunt Doris serve the breakfasts - we don't serve so awfully many, mostly just to the regular boarders. About 9:30-9:45 A.M. I eat my breakfast. Then, I change tablecloths, set tables, fill sugar bowls, salt shakers, and sweep the dining room. then I wipe off and set up the tables out on the terrace. About then, it's time to chip ice to make ice water and iced tea. And I do whatever else needs doing. Lunch is served from 12-2 P.M. - and if the waitress gets extra busy I take on a few myself - and it really is a lot of fun serving! After lunch I re-set the tables, and then about 3 o'clock I have my own lunch - what meal hours!! then I relax - as I'm doing now - for a couple hours; get cleaned up, read or write letters, get dressed around 5:15 or so and go downstairs to get ready for meal hour again - Supper 6-8 P.M. I usually serve a few tables at supper too - eat my own meal about 8:30-9:00 P.M. What a life - it's lots of fun - really.

The people I work with are nice too - Irma and Ruth and Marian are the waitresses - at various times. Usually only one of them is on at a time. "Mrs. A." (ah - shades of "Wilbur"!) is the cook - she's Mrs Amernan - we call her "Mrs. A" for short. Thelma is the other cook - and she's swell - she has nine children, 3 girls, 6 boys. 3 boys are in draft age - one's training for diplomatic service, the other is a Corporal and is about to be sent overseas, if he's not gone already and the third boy was eighteen last Sunday, registered Monday and got his questionnaire on Tuesday - fortunately, he did not go to camp on Wednesday! I don't know what poor Thelma would have done if he had!

I must get ready to go down for dinnertime - it's getting late. I'm anxious to hear about what happened to you in the alb. Keep your fingers crossed - and hope that letter from the Dean brings the news we want to hear.

Write soon, amigo - to my home this time. I'm not sure I'm going home tomorrow, I may stay here until Monday or, at least, Sunday - but you probably would find time to write much before then.

'Bye -

Love, 'n' more love -

P.S. "te quiero mucho" means "I want you very much" - almost same as saying "I love you" I suppose. I didn't find your little note until after I answered that letter.

[A separate note was enclosed in the envelope:]


Didn't have time to get this mailed sooner. Lucy tho' - Mrs. Gilbert gave me another envelope for you.

Did we ever have a busy night last evening - Whew! I'll tell you all about it sometime. But - I suppose we'll have an even bigger time tonight being as it is Saturday!

Decided to stay until Monday A.M. since my aunt needed me.

Write soon please!

Love, again -