11 Putnam Street
Hartford, Conn.
August 1, 1943Dear Marion,
Since I last met you on Main Street one day two weeks ago, I promised that I would mail to you the letter I had in my purse; but I was quite rushed that day so you see I didn't. So I tore open the envelope to rewrite some of the news.
Tomorrow I must return to work once more as my week is up. I have certainly spoiled my self by staying in bed to such late hours of the day.
If you have been getting your morning Courant, you probably have seen the picture of Harry Dorr's brother in the death column one day. He died suddenly one morning. Sad part about it, Glory and I remarked that his brother Harry didn't seem the least affected by it. As far as we could see, he didn't stay out for the occasion. Of course, that is what we think we noticed.
Then the other photo of "very great importance" was that of Miss Peggy Brown of the Actuarial Dept. who is engaged to a fellow in Wethersfield. The "uncharitable" remarks of our fellow workers followed this way: 'My gosh, I just saw her last night with a storky, bald-headed fellow of about 35." Then someone suggested that she had tried hard and long enough, but that all the others had not give up hopes as yet in regards to catching a meal ticket. Please pardon this breach of the English language[.]
Then, too, Midge Messler told me that she (Midge herself) was going to move up to the position of "chicken". Of course, Peggy has hinted she will "retire" in the fall, so naturally Midge has a right to move up. I believe I told you that Genevieve Quinn has moved up to the Change Division. I am doing all sorts of cases now, but my specialty is "present dates". I seem to be the only one who really likes to do them. They are really simple when you learn them, despite the fact we heard so very much to the contrary.
Did I tell you my sister left our company? Well, she did, and now she has a job in Brown Thompson's selling jewellry. [sic] She loves the work, and the hours especially.
Gloria Bevan is leaving on the 15th of this month. But of course that is on a Sunday so she will really leave on the 13th or 14th rather as that is Saturday and we have to work that darn half-day. The other girl who works with Gloria is leaving too in the third week of August. She is going to Conn. University. Funny, but she doesn't really want to go. Her reason for going is that her father has been building on it. Poor deluded papa! Don't you think that is a crime? I do.
I wish you would tell me what your work is like and what you do all day.
I do hope you get a nice room when you go back to Mount Holyoke. What about those pictures you said you were going to let me see? Won't you please send me them so I can look at them? I liked those you took of Mrs. Roosevelt very much.
Now I must close this. Hope to hear from you soon. Please do write me a long, long letter. Please give my best regards to your mother.