Mary Lou Allen July 26, 1943
Dear Marion,
Why do I always get so lazy! I got a rude awaking when I found out that I will be seeing you on September 2nd instead of hte 10th as I had thought.
I think that it's wonderful about your scholarship! Lucky girl! I only wish that I had your brains. Guess that there is no more talk of Wellesley.
Well, life has been going on its calm and peaceful way. I never realized before that you live for the weekend and then it is over and you are living for the next one all your life.
Weekend before this past one, Bobby Barnes came up on her way to Maine. She isn't going back to Smith but to Bennington instead. She starts on the 26th of August and goes until the end of July and works from January to the middle of April. Some fun, if you ask me!
I am going to stop work the 7th and go down to New York on the 17th. I think that I may go by way of Holyoke to measure the windows, etc. at Mountain View.
I am learning religion a new way. Rose and I argue about the boming [sic] of Rome, how many popes there were at one time back in the Middle Ages and now she has brought me a book telling me all about the Catholic Church. When I get through reading that book, I ought to know it backwards and frontwards. Yesterday I wanted to go to church and as the Union Services were at the Episcopal Church I went there. I only got lost once in the Prayer book which is pretty good for me.
Are you working in the life insurance or in the chemistry? You didn't know when you went home and I haven't heard.
I have been a very bad coorespondant [sic] - - I have just answered Betty's letter of June 1st. I haven't written to Mara, Selma or June since the one for her birthday. Poor Smitty has written every week of July and I havent answered one yet. I have a letter from the long lost Bill Peterson which I haven't answered or the one that Bob Mes-- wrote three weeks ago. In other words - - I have gone to the dogs.
If I spend the night of the 17th in MHC perhaps you and I could have lunch together in Hartford. How long are you working?
Lots of love,
Mary Lou.Are you coming to Medford this summer? If so, let's get together.
Could you send me the negatives of the pictures of which I am a part, so I could have prints made?