A Letter Written on Jun 27, 1943

Selma Racer
340 New York Avenue Brooklyn, New York


Dear Marion,

Well you beat me to it anyway. I had an envelope addressed to you with a sheet of paper in it, and I've been carrying it around with me for the past two weeks. Well I've actually gotten around to it.

I'm working. I got a job in a large silk company. I type, file and now I'm learning how to work an adding machine and comptometer. It's an immense place and the girls are swell. I usually type bills that are sent out. Boy do I feel marvelous when I type a bill for Steiger's or McAuslan-Wakelin - Holyoke Massachusetts.

We're out in Long Island already. We came yesterday[.] It's [sic] seems nice. At least it's cooler here than in the city. We're just a few houses from the beach. But I haven't gone in swimming yet. I don't care to much for it[.]

I can't find my directory so could you give me M.L's and Betty's address. I'd like to drop them a line.

Congratulations on your scholarship. At least we have one smart person in our crowd. How were your marks? They must have been pretty good. Mine weren't so good. I only got a C in English. Miss Green must have noticed everytime [sic] I fell asleep in her class. I managed to just pass French - a miracle, that's what it is.

I had my hair cut again, but oh so short, you'd never recognize me. It look's [sic] simply awful, but who cares as long as it's comfortable.

By the way my new address is

162 Beach 133rd St.
Bel Harbour, L.I.

I don't know what good my nice new stationery is doing.

Please write soon Maybe I'll have more news to write next time. I will - even if I have to make it myself.
