A Letter written on Sep 4, 1854

South Hadley Sept. 4 /54

Last week, after making one or two unsuccessful attempts to write to my dear three out west and failing because I could not bear the fatigue of talking, and fearing that I must give it up, on Wednesday your dear sister and the "pet" popped in. P- said she had a nice letter from "Bub," and that she must write a letter to him and his co. while here.

Next day I was better, and she wrote for me, which letter I hope you have received. She had not time to read it over, and we could not remember whether I spoke of Thachers note of the 15th of Aug; It was duly received, that is, in a week or eight days, the usual time now. It was "short but sweet" - good very good - for it assured me that you were all alive, and suffering a little less from the hot weather, than you had done. I knew how oppressive and ennervating it must be, and could not help feeling very anxious for you; as such extreme heat, long continued, always endangers health and life, in a greater, or less degree.

If you all survive such a season and are not permanently injured, it will be a matter of thankfulness, will it not? Did you, Thacher have such headaches, when out in the sun as you used to do? If not it is a good symptom, and I hope our beautiful weather (the greater part of two or three weeks, it has been exceedingly fine) extended to you, and that ere this, you are all feeling quite like living again. Please tell me, is it so?

After a fine rain which we needed it is again very warm. If it reaches you I trust you will prudently keep within doors. Your sister was delighted with her stay at the "Ocean House," and it did her a great deal of good. The "pet" also[.]

How much P- wished you could all be there. She met there a beautiful lady (Mrs. Kirkland) from N. O. who knew Mr. McConnell, well and had brothers in dear S's school[.]

How happy I am that you are to see Miss Irving. Do ask her everything and then you will tell me all. I wish she would write to me and describe Mr. McC. and Mrs. Dunlap and tell me something about them[.]

Did I tell you your Aunt Sarah's visit was but for one day - precious indeed but very exciting, and left me greatly prostrated.

I think I am getting over it - getting up, I hope to where I was when she came. Three weeks ago I was better. Dr T. said better. Don't be anxious. I have a quiet home, and quite good care, from an Irish woman that your sister knew, and sent to New-Haven for. I hope she will do well. Miss Bennet that wrote you at the time of Josiah's visit was one of the Paper Mill girls that Edwin, "who has done everything" sent me, for a short time only.

I am glad if you could read the letter. I doubted though I did not see it. A great deal of love from your Uncle and Aunt Frost and your pretty cousin "Josiah Bent." Also from your many friends here, and more than all, from your

Loving Mother
By a Friend

Well send Mr. D-p's letter to H. soon.

[Second letter]

So. Hadley.
Sept 4th 1854.

To Thacher.

Twenty-One!! God bless you my dear son, to-day. I mark yr. life so long "His tender care" a thousand times more blessed, & a blessing, from this time forward, than ever it has been, is my earnest prayer. Do you heartily join me in this petition?

Then kiss is my love high hopes of a birth-day kiss, from the heart & the hand of

Your Own Mother

Read verse in "Daily Food" for Sept 4th & let the request that went with that little book not be forgotten.

[Third letter written in pencil enclosed in the same envelope.]

Jany 30th /55

Dear Bert.

How fast the months fly. Last week, the 23 inst a year ago Jemmi started on her long & lonely journey West, and almost a year since dear brother Sammy went to the "blessed home.["] And in a few days more it will be a twelve month since you left us to follow [...]. sister [...] home in the West. It was well. I feel it so. God has blessed you all. Don't feel bad about yoru wages. We will ake care of mother. Sweet Fannie L. has been here today. I like her much, wish you did. Mother has set her hearth on her. Edwin has gone West [...] for thrice or four weeks I hope to spend it with Mother Julia is poorly, is delighted to think that she as a little girl cousin sends it a thousand kisses. She sends you all a kiss & her love.

What do you hear from those dear [...] oh dear shall we never see the. Once more accept sister's best love - I have nutter awfully but have neither [...] ink or pencil. Dont you pity me oh I feel as if I should fly to see you all.

Do all take good care of dear Jemmi Miss Gould sends her love & congratulations. She is [...] to mother.