A Letter written on May 6, 1840

[No paragraph breaks in the original. These were added for ease of reading.]

Dear sister Juliet

As I had not written you I thought thought there is not much to write I want to see you and Susan very much I went to School all winter had a very good School mistess and as you said that you wanted to know how many scholars Nancy had I will tell you she had 20 a part of the time Mr Hunt sent his two boys up on the hill to School for he was committee man on that district Ann stayed at home this winter to do work for her mother has a little son.

I forgot to tell you what I studied I studied history Geography Grammar and Arithmetic Sarah and Sarah Hunt and myself went through the Oralpart and went to long division there were 5 in th history Class and we went tover to independance [sic] but CALane did not go so far for she had to go and take care of Lydia and she felt very sorry about leaving the School this summer she is going to Seekonk three months she expects to go next monday.

first day their [sic] was a singing the meeting house first day at 3 oclock Joseph Munroe has moved into Mr Hunts old house without any Chimney I expect Cousin Hanah will keep School this summer in our district Nancy is not engaged and I do not know whether she will keep this summer or not there has been sevral [sic] after her I antisipate [sic] grate [sic] pleasure when you and all of the girls get home I am braiding me a hat but am not going to have it made right up now for my old bonnet is good enough to wear at present do write me soon as they are in a hurry I must Close my love to you, good bye

your sister Lephe

I suppose dear Sister you will make the same complaint about this that you make every time I write e.e. it is not particular enough & this will not be definite as I have only time to fill out the sheet began by Lephe some time since & I have stopped cleaning house to write.

I did intend to have filled a large sheet to you ere this but have not had time, am in jest [sic] a big a hurry as ever; E- was at home 3 weeks & has been in H- 3 weeks We had enough to do while she was here & then Susan sent home some sewing & washing & I was busy again till Aunt Carpenter went to New York which was 2 weeks yesterday.

I think you had better change the trimming on your bonnet. I would send you some, but Father has been so much engaged, I could not get the money nor a chance to go to the City to buy it & perhaps you wold [sic] suit yourself better at some store. E- & self will wear black till August. I will send you some of your pecies [sic] you you [sic] left & your white dress if I can get a chance without to [sic] much expense. have you the clothes room that I did not know - we shall enclose $10 in this which I hope you will acknowledge the receipt of soon.

I have jest [sic] received a letter from Susan she is well excepting a cold which she took at Margaret Pess wedding Susan was bridesmaid, she assited her one week before she was married & got very tired. E_ has written for me to come to K_ but I can't go, she wanted me to go home i.e. back with her but I did not incline to take greess [sic] out put some meal on brown paper then the article that is greased then more indian meal another paper & then a warm flat.

Now for the Officers of State Marcus Norton Gov. George Hull Lieut. Gov. John P. Bigelow Secretary of state, the Chief justices are Show, Putnam, & Wild, the Attorney general don't know, State treasurer Wilder, the judge of commonpleas Court are Warren Cumming, Strong, Mason Williams, the Council of State are, John R. Adam, James H. Dunkin, Edmund Parker, Charles Hudson, Isaac C Bates, William Paster Jr. David A. Simmons, Nathan M. Davis, Joseph Grennell.

I have thought best to try your learning & see if you know how to get home alone. Father says it will [be] such a busy time when your Vacation commences that he thinks of letting you try alone if you think you can come so - you had better spend this Vacation at Ludlow & Springfield Mr King was here eysterday all as well as usual. Mrs K- had an attack of the Sick Head ache Sabbath day on that day Lois Bliss was added to the Church

last Friday I went to Aunt Carpenters to spend the day but the girls were engaged to pass the P.M. at Mr Isa. Carpenters & I went with them had a pleasant time all well there but Sabbath day their little daughter was very sick, don't know what with, have not hear[d] from her since Sabbath. Aunt Carpenters girls are all at home now, they came home about 5 weeks since; Mr Winslows little boy died the week before they left Assonet, Amanda took cold coming home & all were quite discouraged about but she recovered from the cold & has since gained rapidly. Nancy & children spent last week there; she is now at her Mothers will spend this week there & then Mary will join her & go to Newberyport [sic] to make the intended & long promised visit, it is doubtful about John's and Clark's wives being here at vacation as has been anticipated. John is soon to leave Portsmouth & will then go to housekeeping in Newberyport.

Mrs Paine & Mrs Allen are now at Nantucket they went the first week in April & we expect they will return next week Mr Paine started yesterday will be gone over one Sabbath; he had intended to have taken his horse & Chaise on to the island for Mrs P- & Mrs Allen to take occasional rides with but the horse in anticipaton of the sea voyage became seasick & he was too ill to go.

Maria recieved [sic] your letter last Saturday week, [she is] studying so hard that her flesh leaves as fast as she gets her lessons. Josiah [...] the Taunton & Bedford Rail Road Huldah Brown keeps their School. [...] Seminary is doing well under Mr Spofford's care 30 scholars Catharine Lan[...] went yesterday Harriet L. went to Bristol on Saturday Lydia is so she goes into the kitchen often Mary Goff is taking care of her. She will go to Mr Enoch Barneys as soon as she is able to go out.

I forgot to say our Seekonk friends were down the eve before E_ left. [...] E. passed one eve at Mrs Bishops had a fine time, they have moved to Mrs Ide's & let out the tavern. Mrs Ides health is better Sarah is keeping school in Mr Job Carpenter's district, I have had 4 applications for Schools but refused, one came from Swansey [sic] one Seekonk [...] Rehoboth

the Baptist society are making considerable noise here jest now & there is more of an endeavor to insure the Congregationalists than there has ever been, there is considerable attention to religion at present more than since Mr Vernon left Hannah Allen & Larepta Wheaton have experienced religion & a number of others are very serious the baptists are endevouring to secure Serepta & the Baker girls who are serious & I am not sure but they will suceed they do all they can to retain them from our meetings; last Sabbath week there were 10 baptised & next Sabbath there is another baptising they have meetings constantly & keep up a great excitemen[t].

Mr Blood has not yet returned to College & some think it doubtful about his going back very soon, he boards at Mr C- Carpenters Mrs C- is very low & the old gentleman has a cancer on his head nearly as bad at Grandmothers was before she died. Aunt Peck is here now & very well

I have been to more meetings with Mr P- since his wife went to N-t than I ever went with him before in my life don't know what the consequence will be Mr Barney is to preach this eve at the Church. I guess the catalogues you sent have been recieved [sic] at least I know of several that have been. Ruth Ann is in Providence this Summer. I went in with E_ whenshe left & staid 2 days, while there Sarah came on from New York & is now keeping house in Providence Mr B- has been caught in his villiany [sic] & is retained at N.Y. for trial[.] Sarah is but a shadow, has been sick all winter, Mrs B- is with her, we have had no letters from So. Ca. since December. When I commenced writing I expected to have officed this yesterday but Father had nothing but small bills & has not been able to get them changed but expect it will go to Prov. today.

I had lots of calls the week after E- left, all made on her account; Dr. A. the Comet [?] & a Mr Burley were of the number the Comet has appeared 2 times since last August made all necessary enquiries about -- & other absent sisters & has vanished again I presume it will be invisible till next August when I suppose we shall bedazzed by it[s] brilliancy & near approach he says Mrs Lyon is what he calls a whole hearted woman none of the petty diffidences of other women you like so well he shall not hesitate to recommend it for all young ladies. he recommende[d] that I should read Comb on Constitution of man & study phrenology that I may have some new ideas by the time my sister got home for he supposed they would be full of new ones & I must not let them get to for in advance of me an't he kind & brotherly I though so & said thank you but I must close we expect to hear from you soon -

I was in at Elisabeths Monday P.M. and Aurelia Murry insisted upon seeing Susan & Juliet now you would not even guess where the babe belonged, she is he best looking child I ever saw[.] Lephe Lane is with E- this summer. E- is very well for her. I made Aurelia a hat last week & she looks pretty enough in it; is [is?] more becoming than I had imagined - I cannot tell when I shall write you again for I have several letters I ought to write soon but you know I am a poor correspondent. I shall let Sarah fill the other spaces our family are all well and send love to you

affectly yours
Nancy A. B-g

Dear Sister

We are having a cold north east storm it began day before yesterday Mrs Charlotte Down was buried that day she died at Providence she was with Amanda. she was very sick in the winter but so far recovered that she talked of returning home but she was taken with the Lung fever and died in about ten days after she was taken. I am agoing to have a new straw hat. [...] to see you very much.

good [bye] Sarah.

May 6th 1840