A Letter Written on Feb 20, 1841

[Paragraph marks added for ease of reading]

Philadelphia, Feby 20th. 1841.

Dear Sister

Yours of the 11th inst. was this day recieved [sic]. I am glad you embraced the opportunity tho. the sheet was not filled. I do not send a short letter now for retaliation but for the reason that I have this letter to write at Uncles and when I am commonly engaged in talking and seeing - Uncle kindly procured this draft yesterday and I prefer getting it of [sic] today, to taking it home with me and waiting a week though I might then fill the sheet. Uncle says you will only have to endorse this with your name under his. -

Uncle is still better but has not been out yet - and can take no animal food - Aunt is quite well. - I am having a pretty good time; am here every Saturday have missed only one since I came into the City. - Since I wrote you last the "Foster Home" has moved and of course I have; We are now at Market near Schuylkil third street. The situation is very pleasant; the house is midway between Market & Filbert Streets with a yard in front filled with trees and a garden back with fruit & ornamental trees; it is very much like the country - there is a front and back piazza -. The house for a few years has been occupied as a tavern and my School room is what was once the bar room. I get all the travellers and have had about 20 in the two weeks we have been there; you could but be amused to see the different expressions of countenance when the bar room door is opened & a school is presented instead of the bar; sometimes we have been at prayers, sometimes singing, and others reading, or reciting - I have almost desposed [sic] to laugh & again have really pitied the confusion was so great; -

Two week[s] since I got a letter from Susan; she had then been quite direct from home as Seekonk since Dec. but the last letters came in a vessel & I did not recieve [sic] them till about a month since. I looked for one today but got only yours - I am very glad you get on so well also that you had so fine a time at Springfield. - hope ere this you have seen Cousin Lucy -. You did not say whether Miss Adams was spending any time in the City or passing through, on her way to Oberlin - I still attend the lectures at the High School; I have been alone every eve but two; being obliged to go alone has made me courageous; has had a very good effect -. I can go to Church now alone of an eve if I choose -.

There is a person lecturing in this City on popery; he makes the Catholics very angry so much so there has been fighting in some of the Churches; my opinion is that he will do some injury; I do not think it is the time to fight to propagate the true Religion - he calls large concourse of people after him. I have had opportunities to hear him but have been to [sic] much afraid of clubs & brick bats to venture -

Mrs Goa is here jest [sic] commencing a course of lectures Aunt went to hear her yesterday, was pleased with manner and matter & thinks she is calculated to do good you know perhapse [sic] she is from Boston - I believe she is trying to get a class in elocution - all for ladies -. last week was an extremely cold week more so than any weather before; we have had a little snow on the ground for the last two weeks. I cannot realise [sic] more than you that w Winter is so near gone as it to me has been a very mild one though much dull weather; it has been called a very unpleasant one by the citizens[.]

I am very sorry to hear Mr Kings family have been so severely affected; I would be glad to comply with your wishes but you will see by the da dates that your letter came to hand to [sic] late as all arrangements were made before the reception of it - send again when you need. - I think I will close as I may keep this to [sic] late for the Office - I would like to have you acknowledge the receipt of this in some way soon, but don't write on the margin of a newspaper - I think you will scarcely welcome this it is so disconnected but it is as well as I can do this P.M. I presume you have heard the rumours with regard to the U.S. Bank. I never saw such consternation as prevailed at at first & as yet money matters are in a bad state - I feel very bad for Uncle; his affairs really look badly - E. Bunting is in the parlour & has enquired for me, so I'll close - Give my love to Lucy & Josiah & accept a large share for yourself

Uncle & Aunt send love

Affectly. yours
Nancy A. Blanding. -