A Letter Written on Nov 7, 1847

Newburyport. Sunday eve Nov 7th 1847.

My Dear Cousin.

How do you prosper this cold weather. I want to give you a regular scolding, but know not how to commence, for you write such short letters, I most generally fill my letters full, and you must for time to come when you write to me, do you hear me.

Here I am sitting alone in my parlor this eve for a wonder, my dearest beloved of my heart has gone to Portsmouth where their folks reside, to pass the sabbath, and will return tomorrow, but there is one consolation, I have their miniature, and I can make that do when they are away, you understand, I presume who and what I mean I wish you see the precious one, Oh! that I could see you and tell you all, how happy I would be, I dare not write what I wish to, but hope the time will not be long before we shall see each other, and converse face to face. I have been teasing [?] mother to let me come and spend a week with you as you will not come here, but she thinks I shall make too much work, or something.

What do you expect to do Thanksgiving? I am am invited to a Military Ball, and I think some of going, but am not sure, Leander H. wants me to go, he has learnt me a little about dancing, if I will go, he will carry me to dancing school, and finish learning, untill they have the ball, and I hope I shall go. I am going to perform in a concert this month, and I wish you could be here to go to it, there are eight of us, Dr Weder and six celebrated musicians from out of town, they are splendid singers, three ladies & three gentlemen. I believe they are Swiss or German, this Dr Weder is a German musician, I think you have heard me speak of him when I was there, he is my teacher, he plays on a great many different instruments, I shall play a duet of five pages, he plays the guitar and I on the Piano, and then we play another 14 pages long for the piano together, and then I play a piece alone, and then I shall be through my performance, then the others will do their part. I must pluck up courage before then, I wish you were here, but its of no use to wish, I have wished in vain, and I might as well give it up.

How do you all do. Aunt Caroline Carpenter is here, she has been here nearly a fortnight, I think she is very good company, I have enjoyed her visit much. I like her much better then [sic] I expected, tis true she is rather fussy about some things but not so much as I expected she would be.

Mother has not been very well for a few weeks, she has been troubled with the teeth ache, but she is a little better.

I fear Draper has been reading some of my letters for he wrote in his letter that he heard there was a gentleman named Ham round this way, what a rogue he is. I wish you would burn some of my letters that you know I do not want seen, and you will oblige me much. Do you see S much now days? please write me all you know concerning him, if he waits on any one, and what he is doing[.] Give my love to Esther, and ask her if she received my last letter, I am afraid she has not, because she has not written to me, tell her to write soon.

How does Abby & Horace flourish? remember me to them, tell them to be good children, and mind their manners.

"Dont" you see anything of Lucy yet, it is strange if you have not, I should not think she was very neighborily neighborly, with some one week before last that resembled her very much indeed.

Yougry mugry progry hergry throughgry, Howgry dogry Hegry Aggry dogry, iggry hegry preggry weggry? whaggry graggry tiggry wegry vggry togry haggry diggry wegry noggry & dogry yougry ngry stogry whagry igry meaggry, hagry, hugry, hagry.

I have written a little of the soft Italian language for you to translate, I hope you will find not trouble at all.

Well I think I must close this as I feel rather sleepy, dont you think I had better. Please excuse all defects in this letter, and not let any one see but burn it as soon as you read it, tell you[r] mother to write, mother does not know that I am writing. Please answer soon as convenient, and write all news. Love to all, and accept a large share for yourself.

Yours in hast[e] and love.

P.S. Excuse all nonsense also.

C. T. H. L. S. H.

A puzzle for you.