A Letter Written on May 7, 1840

[The letter is not fully dated. Based on the fact that it is addressed to Juliet at the Seminary, I assumed it was 1840 or 1841. The letter mentions the death of Charlotte Drown in Providence, RI, and FamilySearch.org dates that event as 1840. I assume that the author of this letter was a sibling of Juliet's based on the salutation and the frequent mention of other family members, rather than a dear friend referring to her as a sister of the heart. But Juliet's siblings are Susannah, Elizabeth, Nancy, William, Abram, Lephe, and Sarah. At first I thought it might be a nickname for Abram (Abe spelled backward), but the letter sounds like it's written by a sister, not a brother. I have another letter by Abram, and he signed that one with his initials, AOB. He also was a terrible speller, and this letter spells better than he did in 1847. I'm guessing that Eba is a nickname for Elizabeth. Maybe I'm misreading the name and it's Elsa, short for Elizabeth?]

Kingston May 7th 18/

My very dear Sister -

I have this moment folded [?] a letter to R. B. Allen & concluded as I did so that you deserved a letter as much as she did or at least it might possibly be so acceptable. & so have commenced writing forthwith I have however been waiting thinking I should get a letter from you, as Nancy recieved [sic] one when I was at home, in which you spoke of commencing one to me, but I have waited in vain - I went home the last of March & stayed till the 12th of April (ie, three weeks, but they were despret [?] short three weeks I can assure you[.] I came back the twelfth & commenced on the fourteenth four weeks this day makes of my school quarter I have not begun boarding yet & dont know when I shall as I have not got through visiting am now for a rarity staying with Miss Potter with whom I passed fourteen weeks before my vacation, I have pretended as Mrs Vernon says to stay, with her (Mrs V) since I can bask but have passed more than half my nights with friend Mary, & now Mr Vernon & family are absent on a visit at New Port their house is shut up & I am at Mary's constantly, last evening had a delightful horseback-ride with James & this morning have been to ride in the chaise with Mary so you see I am having a good time again - I had a letter from Susan last sabbath & wrote her monday [sic] she is well - perhaps you have heard through home, that father has been on to visit her went friday [sic] evening & returned Monday eve. have not heard any thing particularly remarkable respecting his visit, Aunt Carpenter was in Rehoboth when I was at home she has gone back to Brooklyn & opened a school there. how she will succeed can't say but th dont believe she is equal to the task but she is anxious to try it.

Monday Morn. Again I am at my old seat in the Academy with pen in hand & feel quite at home; one thing that makes it pleasant here is there is a large vacant room that the children have to exercise in & I can turn them in there & have in a measure a [sic] quiet time - I am all down in spirits to-day do you think I am sick? only got the blues why dont you write me - last saturday [sic] we had a snow-storm & I thought of you if it was much colder where you are I pity you; the pears, peach, & early apple trees were in blossom the grass green & covered with snow excepting an occasional tuft which persevered in crowding its head through the snow - the snow has disappeared & the sun shines out again but not very warm. I have gone back to my cloak, which I thought I had dropped for the season. I believe I am ashore [?] for kingston news & will go back to Rehoboth, Saturday evening I saw in the Providence papers a notice of the death of Mrs Charlotte Drown I suppose she must have died rather suddenly as I have not heard of her being sick. When I was in Rehoboth Nancy & self took cousins Mary & Hannah & went to Mrs Bookers [?] & made a visit what think ye of that, Allen was not there we all wished he was, Ellen was there on a visit - cousin Amanda had got home but was quite sick have not heard from her since.

Noon - have been to Miss Potter & got my dinner & promised to go to Mrs Potters for a visit either tomorrow or tonight Mary says not till tomorrow so I suppose it will be so - when will your school close, do write & say when & all about it how you get along with your studies what your teachers say what you want & what you dont want &c &c

Mr Vernon came over & preached yesterday & has gone back today I expect the old lady is having a fine time with Thomas - Mrs Vernon cousin H. A. has been visiting here since I came back & he has had a brother here through the winter they both left here last friday [sic] week & two or three days after I received a [letter] from Mr A, wasnt that smart? I felt so wee[...] with it that I did not conclude to answer it, I believe I wrote you that I have recieved [sic] a long account from an old bachelor as I did not conclude to [...]pay it I was [...ed] in regular stile a week or two before I went home & the letter I recieved [sic] the other day will do nicely to Salt down with them those with the base I had sent one will make a savory dish - one evening that I was at home we had company the Seekonker of course had a very plesant [sic] time & I have heard that they all enjoyed themselves much but they abused my baby - sweet little innocent!

Mr Paine is going to housekeeping at Aunt Carpenters how soon I cant say, but presume before long expect they are in Nantucket she sent one of the first days days [sic] of April expected to stay five or six weeks the last news from home Nancy was fixing him to go - she could not come here for she had to see for him isn't that smart - write me as soon as you recieve [sic] this I wont seal it to day for I hope to hear from Susan in the morning

Affectionately your Eba -

have you heard nothing more from Susan shall hear Sunday morning write immediately

yours Eba