A Letter Written on Jun 18, 1852

Fisherville June 18th 1852

Dear sister J.

I drop you a few lines this morn to inform you that if nuthing [sic] happens to prevent I shall be at Elm Cottage next week on Tuesday, and want some one to meet me at the depot. I would not put the folk to the trouble, but I expect Mrs. Drown will come down with me, and Albert said if he wrote to Hiram to meet her it would be uncertain wheather [sic] he would get the letter in season and if our folks would do it he would see that they were satisfied, if any thing should happen to prevent our coming that day shall come heednes. [sic]

If you get out of medicine for your cough before I come use a little morphene. [sic] Tell Uncle I intended to have written him ere this but have had some birds to mount which with other things has prevented me but he shall hear from me next week[.] We had a fine rain last night and is cloudy today, the weather has been very warm for a few days past. I shall have to save the remainder till I come down for I have am going fishing today and it is now time I was off, so with much love to all, I am as ever your attached brother

A. O. [Abram Ormsbee] Blanding.