A Letter written on Nov 4, 1895

Mt. Holyoke College.
So. Hadley, Mass.
Nov. 4, 1895.

Dear Brother,

This is a beautiful day. November has done well so far. Saturday we had quite a snow storm all the afternoon. The ground is still white in the court, and other places probably haven't looked out in the wide wide world yet. Miss Nutting, next door, has been having rheumating in her back so we have spent our extra minutes in keeping her waited on. Have a crysanthemum in our room which Mr. Bates lent me to see if it were possible to put in black and white.

Miss Keith went to Palmer Sat. morning to spend Sunday so I have two days at the head of the physics department. Friday is our founder's day, a vacation if it isn't used up with showing people around the building.

Three weeks from Thursday is Thanksgiving. I had thought some of going to Exeter but have about given up the idea. Thursday the girls voted to put the money which would be used for spreads with helping the endowment. That pleased Mrs. Mead and she encouraged the trimming of the tables just the same and said the gymnasium would be open at nine for a frolic. So the tables were trimmed at supper time. All the lights were shaded in red, green or black. Skeletons of white paper on black backgrounds, red witches and such were on the walls. Water pitchers were trimmed in black, little red devils and candles were mixed in with chestnut burrs. The girls were dressed to suit. Some in black witches caps, and red dresses others in sheets and pillow cases. Jack-o-lanterns were present. At nine maidens dressed in sheets and pillow cases started for the gymnasium - told ghost stories, had a churchyard dance and so on. Some completed the celebration by sitting up till morning. Saturday evening the fire bells were rung so as to practice getting out of the building. It was stirring so they went only to the gymnasium and chapel. A fire brigade has been formed and we are getting ready for a fire.

I don't know as I wrote you that John D. Rockefeller has given us money for a skating rink which shall be finished by the first of January. Dr. Pearson has offered to add one third to any sum we shall be able to raise. If we get 100,000 he gives us 50,000. If we can get together 300,000 he gives 100,000. The Springfield alumnae Association has raised since over 28,000 Boston has about 3000. Don't know about New York. If you see any rich people who want to assist just encourage a little.

It is nearly time for Chapel. It is time to do something. Take good care of yourself.

Good bye
Your loving sister

I think that I forgot to tell you that Sarah's little brother Harold died week before last. He had some terrible with his brain and was sick but two or three days. Mrs. Averill goes to stay with Sarah at Plymouth.