Mt. Holyoke College.
So. Hadley, Mass.
Oct. 23, 1899
Dear Charles,
My pen is just filled and needs exercising. This is Monday evening again and only eight days more in October. How time does go. Two weeks from Wednesday we will be listening to Dr. Storrs of Brooklyn, cousin of Pres. Mead. We are wondering if the gymnasium will be ready for exercises in its honor.
This afternoon I happened to find out that an uncle by marriage of one of my class is Dr. Scripture of Yale. It would have been better if that sentence had begun the other way around. The girl is Jelliffe. yesterday Mr. Wishard who has been connected with the YMCA and is now field secretary of the ABCFM spoke in the church in the morning and in the chapel in the evening. He spoke for the advance movement in missions. $550 was pledged for this year as against an arrage [?] of $175 for previous years. This money is to go to a definite foreign parish. Mr. Wishard is an earnest speaker. You may have heard him.
Tomorrow evening we are to have the first organ recital of the year. Prof. Hammond is to play as usual. Halloween will be along in about a week and as it comes Tuesday evening there is likely to be plenty of celebration. Saturday evening I celebrated the 21st with some penuche, pretty fair. Am glad you are enjoying yourself. Hope you will stick to common sense and not turn heretic. Has Mr. Lloyd bought his farm yet or is he working by the day? My house problem is quiet at present. must make out some review topics on light this evening. It doesn't do to be caught napping.
Good night,