Huguenot College.
Wellington. Feb. 10, 1927.
Dear Mrs Elsie Bliss, -
Some one has said, if a letter is not answered promptly, it does not need to be at all, but I am glad you did not think so, and I do not.
Your letter and the sweet picture of your home life was to me a lasting joy and reminded me of my childhood, where all the family gathered on Sunday morning for the study of the lesson, and we all, old and young, stayed to Sunday School. We used to have Sunday School in the Seminary, but some years ago that was given up, now we have Bible Study as a part of the school work, and take up the Scripture union readings in our Bible Circles on Tuesday nights. We have a new Bible Teacher this quarter, working under the "Ferguson Foundation," and she is presenting the study of the Gospel of Luke in a helpful and interesting way, which we all enjoy and the school year has opened most encouragingly with large numbers of new girls and several bright and interesting new teachers. The School begins a little more than a month before the College as they reopen on the 3rd of March. It is always a strenuous time, working for new students and getting new people settled in their work. So far as I know there is only one new Professor (for Zoology.) and after a year's leave. Some difficult problems were settled last year but some still remain to be adjusted. When one realises what tremendous forces for good and evil are at work in the world today, one feels very weak, and the spiritually strong ones are not here to lean upon. I have written more letters to Annie T. Bliss than to other members of your famliy but I know she has passed on important items. I have enjoyed her letters and there always seemed to be something to acknowledge and some reason for writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Puttick are staying during the hot months in a cottage in Bains Kloof. Some of us went up to greet him on his birthday last Saturday.
Miss Sargent is also staying in the mountain this month. Although only nine miles away, it is a complete change of air, and some enjoy bathing in the river as much as the sea.
Rev. and Mrs. A. X. Davis are now settled at the Oaks. They have been missionaries for several years and seem the right people to help us. In addition to business training they both studied at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. We are expecting Mrs. Davis will take over the Bible work later on. At present they have a little daughter nearly a week old. Quite an event here!
Please thank Rev. J. H. Bliss for his kind Christmas greeting which I much appreciated and treasure.
I want to send a picture of Dr. Bliss' monument which I have been keeping for you if I can lay my hands on it.
Feb. 17 --
I held the letter over last week to find the snaps of the monument. Dr. Bliss decided that it should be like Dr. Fergusons and left the foundation draft of the wording for the front face. I sent these same pictures to Miss Annie T. Bliss some time ago. We have had a very hot summer, but recently rain has fallen in many parts of the country, where it was most needed.I am thinking of the cold weather you are doubtless enjoying. I hope you are all well and that I may hear from you again.
Very sincerely yours
Martha F. Baldwin.