A Letter written on Oct 20, 1898

Mt. Holyoke College
So. Hadley, Mass.
Oct. 20, 1898

Dear Exits,

I am almost too sleepy to write this [e]vening. This afternoon I started out to go to Springfield but didn't get there. The parade celebrating the 25th anniversary of Holyoke as a city stopped all electric cars in the city that run on the streets on which the parade wanted to go. There was a great crowd on the streets. It was about as hard trying to get back up here. Next week if nothing happens I will try and see how [much] houses run in Springfield and vicinity. What kind shall I look for and how much have we to spend in that direction?

You will have to be celebrating again. Make something like fudge. Except that instead of cocoa you put in chopped nuts. It doesn't look now as though I could get down that way before Wednesday and back here before two o'clock Friday. There is the nine o'clock car and I am very sleepy. My room is 77 degrees with radiator shut and two windows wide open. The pipes from the furnace run under the floor and keep that warm. It is hard work to keep the air moist enough to feel comfortable. I suppose we are within a week of halloween with its ghost stories and franks. Today Friday is as misty as yesterday was clear. Mrs. Mead goes to New York today to see her sister, Miss Billings, sail for Naples. Mrs. Mead expects to go to Europe next summer.

My girl who has been tutoring takes an examination this afternoon. She is the rattling headed girl and I shouldnt be surprised if she needed one or two lessons more. Shall expect a letter from you and one from Charles today. My maiden hair ferns are growing but the [...] plant doesnt seem to root very rapidly. Perhaps you didnt know that nasturtiums would root in water if you picked of[f] a branch.

There doesn't seem to be any news in town. The half past eight car is coming up and that means chapel very soon. The car strikes sparks at a great rate this morning. We use it for a rising bell at half past six and if that doesn't wake us shaking the furnace fires soon after is pretty sure to.

What size would you like your Xmas present.

Well I must be off. Tempus is fudgiting.

Good Bye -
