A Letter written on Mar 9, 1900

Mt. Holyoke College
So. Hadley, Mass.
March 9, 1900

Dear Exits,

I started out this morning with this paper but didn't get your letter written. Have been in the laboratory most of the time except during meals and a lecture by McLaughlin on Jeffersonian Democracy. Since supper the colloquium has met so now it is after eight. I am wondering what you did in Hartford and whether you saw anything there that you wanted. I am thinking some of going to Holyoke to buy a pair of woolen stockings. Those that you mended take too much time to keep the holes in repair.

The Rev. Patten and his wife left their cards in my room today so I must make them a state call. Grace McKinley is here for a while[.] Has just come from Washington and is going to Canton.

A letter from Charles guess I[']ll have to send him one as he seems likely to stay there until it reaches him. He seems to have enjoyed his New York visit.

Irving and Terry are to play in Springfield Mch 29 should like to see them for once. Susan seems to be pretty comfortable. Heard of a girl the other day who wanted to know of a quiet place where she could go for vacation. Want a boarder? This one is a senior from western New York, not at all preposessing in appearance doesn't eat meat or much of anything else.

Got 10 worth of dates the other day, want some? Must have some oranges before they are gone. Shall probably go to Springfield the last wed. in March. Vacation in a little over three weeks. Dont expect to work much then for a couple of weeks.

Good night -


Dr. Barnes conducted Thursday afternoon meetings -

If I have to take my turn at choral shall send for the Rev. D. J to do my preaching.