A Letter written on Apr 7, 1900

Dear Seraph,

You will be glad to know that Grace has written that she will come. She feels some hesitation but expects to find you "a tower of strength." I feel much relieved and expect to hear very good reports from the department. Grace will leave Oxford the 17th or 18th and perhaps will come to see me.

Susan writes that she has made the coefficient of expansion apparatus and has obtained fair results in a hasty test of it. Thinks she will have Miss Taylor try it. She did not say any thing about Amy Hamson.

Are you dressmaking at a great rate? I hope you will have some first class "good times" in the next two weeks. You deserve them.

Yesterday I went to see the doctor who spoke quite encouragingly. Dr. Dole was not able to meet me as she had expected to, but she will see Dr. Call and they will advise me further. I shall at least be at home all next week.

Mother recognized your picture at once and thinks it a good one.

Yours with love,

Marcia A. Keith.

Braintree, Mass.,
April 7, 1900.