[Paragraph breaks are added for ease of reading.]Mt. Holyoke College
So. Hadley Mass.
Feb. 12. 1899
Dear Exits,
It is almost St. Valentines day and next week is Washingtons Birthy [sic], a holiday up this way better come up. Of course we couldnt go up the mountain at this time of year but you could do that some other time. As you are the one who is doing it you can pick your time.
We are having a little more rain for a change. It snowed during the night. Those ground hogs dont keep in their holes very well.
Did I tell you that this vacation does not begin until the third of April so that Easter may come before vacation closed. The new catalogs are out at last: Miss Randolph sails for Athens on Thursday. She expects to spend this winter and summer studying inscriptions or some such[.] Tomorrow evening there is to be a lecture on Norse poetry? by a professor from Weslyan. This morning in chapel Miss Hazen read a letter from Pauline Schwartz who you know is in Japan. She spoke at length on Cora Keith how well she was learning the language etc I reckon the languages she has studied help her a good deal. Greek, Latin, German, French, Italian, Hebrew.
Went up Prospect yesterday saw some blue jays[.] Saw some [...] grossbeaks last week. You can hunt birds when you want to walk. I dont know about spring sewing. They say skirts are not to be plain and close fitting longer so cant do much about dresses until summer styles[.] I have a good mind to have you make a white cam [?] but dont really know. Guess you can make a silk shirt waist to go with the blue suit.
Do you think you will wait for Gale to get around[?] Isnt he slow?
Good Bye