A Letter written on Feb 12, 1897

[Paragraph breaks are added for ease of reading.]

Mt. Holyoke College
So. Hadley Mass
Feb. 12, 1897

Dear Exits,

It snows and I am almost glad for you may not be going to the post-office for this letter which wont be there I fear. Somehow I didnt write last night and it didnt dawn on me until to[o] late that morning wouldnt do just as well.

I have just been writing to Robin and Grace [...] now it is twenty minutes of nine. Miss R. is writing on her Philosophy paper which is keeping her pretty busy. I have been getting in more books and note books [now?] must get essay paper and sich. [sic] Oh I heard somehing the other day. Agnes says there is a Bemis book just published, says the Bemises are all Irish. Isn't that jolly. Shall have to tell Charles to look us up.

Next week the Orpheus Club of Springfield give[s] us a concert. Guess Ill wear my light dress and new gloves. If next Sunday is pleasant and not sloppy my blue dress will get an airing. You will have to go to Liberty Hill by Norwich if it keeps on snowning [sic] at this rate. Arnt [sic] you glad you have a sleigh. Miss R. says you can tell the [...] that he is hanging above his son between the closet and hall doors.

Spent $1.00 on one wisdom tooth Wednesday. Expect to have another filled at 4.30 Monday and a gold filling put in at 8.45 next Wednesday in place of the present filling which isnt doing its duty. Three cavities in over three years, isnt that doing pretty well dont you think.

Went to a lecture Wednesday evening by Dr Mead of Brown University in the nervous systems[.] Said the nerves were disturbed when the blood sent to feed them was unpure. Intemperance [...] and innumerable ills[.] Said that nerves were inherited as much as any disease. There are whole families of saints and whole families of survivors as much as whole families of consumptives the best you can do is to keep the neurons you have in a good working order as possible.

Mrs. Elliott has gone to bed. Folks in town seem to think she is an odd character. Used to be quite an ardent spiritualist so they say. Well I must write to Charles pretty soon it is getting bed time[.] Good Night - the [...] wants to refer to Mary Lyon. on Feb. 28. Dont want any collections just educate those that call.

Good Night
S. A. Bliss
or as one letter said Mr Seraphet A Bliss

[The previous part of the letter was written on stationery. The rest of the letter was written on two business cards for attorney T. F. Gibbons.]

Chas says I can write you a letter on this. Guess Ill use two. Came into the city at ten oclock went up to the university then here.

Slept until a quarter of seven am going to help Charles send out posters for the concert Friday evening. I didn't know before that they were [...]ing here. Dont know when I shall go to the stores now what to get when I get there. Guess Ill have a black skirt[.]

It has been raining last night and this morning[.] Tribune say[s] it will clear off this afternoon, am hearing about the tariff. Tariff on books and scientific instruments.

Didnt say I came down with Katherine Shearer. She is to move from Mrs Elliotts when we get back. It may be A.R. and I will have to go some where else that is if Mrs Elliott doesnt want to keep two rather [...]. Agnes sent her love to the pedalog. also A.L.R. and I think Susie Lawson.

Well it is rather late to be sitting around. Your postal came while we were at breakfast. I am thinking what I need is a dark [...] dress[.] So Ill use that blue one you have. You had better consider Old Orchard. The travelling and all wouldnt cost any more than a work at Block Island wont it thus you remember the "tow" must get my book orders off sometime before very long.

Katie has come in, seems to think In-country agrees with me more than with you[.] I am "shorter than the back of your put-together." Well we are out for the day.

Good Bye
S. A. B.