A Letter written on Jun 17, 1895 [?]

[There are two letters in this envelope postmarked Oct 18, 1895. One is dated "Monday Jun 18?" and Jun 17 is the Monday in 1895. This one is also datelined on a Monday, but no other clues are given to the full date. I will assume the letters really date back to Jun 1895 (the other one speaks of the upcoming Fourth, so I believe it really does mean to be dated in June), and were mailed by Alice back to her family when she returned to South Hadley in the fall.]

Abington Conn.
Monday. A.M.

Dear Charley.

Ma says you must have a letter and so I send you one when it is done.

We got your postal card and read the great news of the prize and .& .&.

I was over to Mrs George Allens the last Saturday and she said tell you Her folks (Constance and Miss Richmond) were at Woodstock and the corn and - were doing nicely (I think). She sent Ma some of her pretty white roses.

Pa exchanged with Mr Jones yesterday and went up to Eastford with him. We had Mr Samuel Allen's horse and it was some work to whip him and so up hill too.

The daisies are out in the field opposite here and they look pretty.

Eva and her mother have gone to Hartford to stay until Saturday.

I think Mr Stone is pretty cheeky to send for you the 2nd when you only agreed to come the nignth (one way to spell this.)

There are a plenty of flies, and it is pretty warm.

Some ministers meeting of some kind meets in Putnam tomorrow and next day.

I am slowly progressing in Algebra do a few examples most every day.

Mr White is just passing and I suppose this letter is going in morning's mail.

Did Lawson give you any more pictures on yor [sic] Saturdays excursion.

Mr John Trobridge and family were at meeting at Eastford and Mr Gilbert Whitman also (Mr Edward Bennet. He blowed the organ). Miss Jones played.

I think I must just stop now.

From Alice Bliss