A Letter written on Feb 21, 1896

Mt. Holyoke College,
So. Hadley, Mass.
Feb. 21, 1896.

Dear Exits,

This is the day for your letters. sun shines. mercury stands at 11° above zero and withall it is a very good day. Anna, Elizabeth and I think we will go to Holyoke and meet Etta and Helen. I wont cost any more to have a horse to drive than it would to send a special stage.

Wednesday Bertha and I went to the exhibition in Springfield. We went down at nine and back at half past five. I went up to see Addie and stayed there to dinner.

Emma and Roy say they are out of the kindergarten. Addie says that Robert has set up for himself in Greenfield. Eighteen regular boarders this winter. She also wanted to know if I had heard of the twins at the farm. Guess that is all the news from there.

I saw some hot water bags for .39 and got one which doesn't leak. Might have got another. That is the extent of my purchases. Put $25 in a bank so as not to have it to carry around. $10 due next Tuesday and ten more before vacation. That ought to take me through vacation as I shant need another dress until my winter one is done. Am thinking some of getting a silk waist or some good shirt waists. Wonder if it would pay to put some new stiffening in my serge skirt.

Tomorrow is Washington's birthday and turkey and skating carnival. I shan't take in the carnival but hope to the turkey. Next week Tuesday is the Dartmouth concert.

You asked about pictures. Miss Keith has taken some through a pasteboard box. Think that is the thickest. Our Runkoff coil isn't a very large one and she is afraid of putting in too large a current. Also the plates are old and probably not very sensitive. One man claims to have made some optical instrument such that you can see as far as you can photograph. Don't know how much truth there is in it. Twenty minutes before chapel. After chapel must look up report for Journal club then go to the laboratory, dinner then laboratory again then to Holyoke, then supper, then Journal club, then political economy lecture, when it will be about nine o'clock in the evening. Addie Johnson, guess she left before you entered was married to a Dr. Sweet of Lebanon last June and is living in Springfield. Bertha saw here Wed. She spoke of going past Exeter parsonage. Didn't say why she didn't call. If you teach two or three all the time, they will crack their brains.

Guess it time to do something else for a while. Rev Mr. Paddock spoke to us last evening and probably will speake [sic] again in Chapel. This is the first time I have seen him[.]

Good Bye
Seraph Bliss