A Letter Written on May 31, 1895

Leonard's Bridge, Conn. My. 31-95

My dear young ladies -

Your ma had your letter all ready to carry with her eysterday & went off without it. The way of it was in this wire. Miss Haines from N.Y. had written that her sister & herself wished to send some flowers to the cemetery & asked if I would see to them. I wrote back 'yes' & said an express box would "probably" reach me if directed to Leonard's Bridge - We went there twice on Wed. & no box - Got up Thurs. before 4. hurred [sic] & went to Turnerville, found vox, carried flowers to cemetery, & with ma went in to Lebonen. [sic] Heard good speaking - But forget to carry letters -

In hurry,
D. [Daniel] J. Bliss