Home Decoration Day
May 30. '95. 9-45.We are getting quite interested in decorating today. Miss Haines the woman who has sent us the Outlook so long, sent us a letter from New York asking Pa if he wd. take charge of some flowers they would send & see that they were put on their brothers grave & he told her he wd. be pleased to & said he thought they wd. come by mail or express to Leonard Bridge[.] She sent a card saying they were started by Express & wd. be at L.B in the morning yesterday morning [sic], but they were not there & in the evening while Pa had gone to meeting I went to see if they had come but no. So this morning he got up at 4. & churned & ate his breakfast & went to Turnerville got there & got back before 9. oclock. I was up before 6. They sent the flowers in an orange box. four boquets [sic] of most beautiful pink yellow roses. & carnations lovely ones. for Father Mother Aunt Mercy & the soldier brother one for each & a bouquet of each for me. I have decorated the parlor with mine & it is seldom so adorned. I shall put the others in glass jars so they will keep as long as possible & we will stop on our way to Lebanon & put them on the graves ourselves. Some Rev. Livermore is to give the address. Pa will have to have a nap before he goes he had sick headache yesterday. I got Alice's letter last night. Am very sorry not to see Miss Carpenter you can see her for me though. Have heard from St John at last He will make an appointment for me between the trains no doubt. He wrote to ask when they were. Gipsey is better but a little limpy yet. I have some beautiful Azalias [sic] that Pa got this morning Mr Mason is coming next Sunday - Mr Weeden is dismissed & nobody sorry I guess - My Eyes are getting tired I have no business to write all this without stopping so Rax vobis cum. [?] mea cara filia
With lots of love