A Letter written on Jan 29, 1847

Concord, Jan 29. 1847.

My dear daughter

After the death of our dear little Willie I wrote to you; directing my letter to the care of Miss Lyon. I have wondered that you have not written in return before this. Supposing that your vacation is closed I now forward to you forty dollars, of which $30 are to pay the remainder of your school bill, and $10 for incidental expenses. Should you need more, in the course of the term, let me know it, and I will forward it [to] you. I hope you have enjoyed a pleasant vacation, and in health return to your studies. May you be prepared in pursuing them and become qualified both by education & grace for much usefulness.

We remembered you on your birth-day and wish you another & happy new year .. Mother is gaining slowly in health ... the babe is well. Jane is not very well. The other children as usual. Mrs. Cilley has returned home. Geo. Morrill died of palsy, on Saturday night the 27th just after a sickness of about 9 days & is to be buried tomorrow. Rev. Mr. Tim Brooch [?] died in Danvers, on the 21st last. I would write more but have not time. I wish you would write, on receiving this. & let me know how you do &c. Mother & all send much love.

Your affectionate Father N. [Nathaniel] Bouton.

[Harriet's mother Mary Ann (Bell) Bouton died Feb 15, 1839. Harriet's father Nathaniel remarried a year later to Elizabeth Ann Cilley on Feb 18, 1840. Jane Louise Bouton was born on Jan 17, 1845, and William Horatio Bouton was born on Jan 4, 1847. The NH vital records on Ancestry.com list William Horatio's death as Jan 14, 1849, so I think he was the "well babe" in the second paragraph, not the "dear little Willie" in the first paragraph. But it certainly is possible that the NH vital record was transcribed poorly, and William Horatio actually died in 1847 at the age of 10 days. If that's so, then I don't know who the "well babe" would be. The "other children" are Sarah Cilley Bouton, born Nov 13, 1840; and Martha Cilley Bouton, born Jan 29, 1843.]