A Letter written on Mar 21, 1849

Concord, March 21. 1849.

My dear daughter

I feel with you that the death of Miss Lyon is an inseparable loss to the Institution, though it may be & doubtless is infinite gain to her. How strikingly her death & that of Miss Wingate after so short an illness, illustrate the need of early & habitual preparations for that solemn event. Be ye also ready. Young, healthy & hopeful of the future, you yet cannot tell how soon or suddenly you may be called into the eternal world; And my dear child, if through the mercy of God, your sins are forgiven and you have an interest in the Saviour's love, how ought you to love and honor & serve him.

"Oh! to grace how great a debtor." & ... My earnest prayer is, that your whole life may be consecrated to the service of your Redeemer. Be much in self-examination, prayer, & study of the Scriptures. May you daily enjoy the presence of your Saviour, and daily strive to be useful to your associates.

Mother has not returned from Deerfield. I suppose she has written to you before this ... Have you written to grandmother Bell?

In regard to your vacation, I think on the whole you had better return home. I wish very much to see you, as do all the rest of the family. Mr. Webster is about repairing his house and probably a visit there now may not be so convenient for them. Your health, will require some active exercise and you may make a short visit to your grandmother ... you may also need some more clothes. You may therefore make arrangements to come home, at vacation, with Amanda & Martha. Let me know exactly when to expect you. How does your money hold out?

Mother's health is still feeble. Jane is not very well. Sherman is going his cousin about the 4th of April. I hope you can come so as to see him before he leaves.

Mr. Downs preached for me last Sabbath[.] There is a very pleasant revival in Lebanon and they like him much. John is well and the other children. Write again before your vacation.

Very affectionately
Your father N. [Nathaniel] Bouton.

[Sherman is probably Nathaniel Sherman Bouton, Harriet's older half brother. He was born May 14, 1828 to Nathaniel Bouton and Harriet (Sherman) Bouton. Harriet Sherman Bouton died a week after Nathaniel Sherman Bouton was born, on May 21, 1828, and Nathaniel remarried on Jun 24, 1829 to Mary Ann Bell. Their firstborn daughter was named after Nathaniel's first wife: Harriet Sherman Bouton, born on Jan 25, 1832.]