A Letter written on May 16, 1838

Norwalk, May 16. 1838

My very dear Wife -

I heard with deep sorrow of the sickness of our babe - is he yet alive? Is he better? Is there a prospect of his living? I wish you would write immediately on receiving this, and tell me how the child is. Direct the letter to Worcester, Mass. And when I reach there I can decide whether to return directly home or go to Boston and spend a week.

It is well, that you did not accompany me, on my journey, though I have wished you were with me, many times. I find things very pleasant - friends well and glad to see me. I shall probably be at Worcester on the 22nd inst [?] and hope you will not fail to forward a letter in reason for me to receive it at that time.

My love to all the dear family,
And a double share for yourself
Your affectionate husband

N. [Nathaniel] Bouton.

[Nathaniel and Mary Ann (Bell) Bouton had a son, Samuel Fletcher Bouton, born Jun 23, 1837. He survived his sickness and lived until 1901.]